Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs March 2-3, 2021

Glenn Hauser logs March 2-3, 2021

Wednesday, March 03 2021

Oooh my God,

report only the technical details about the bcast like Mr. Frodge implores,

or Bible quotes from the very esteemed Mr. Drumb / TOM Roarer to mention.

Glenn, forget your antagonistic comments about 65 national folk groups
in big China mainland,

don't forget Abu Graib and Cuban Guantanamo dirt stuck matter these days.

The US dollar Yankees should be very quiet about their Indian extermination
policies and history for the past 200 years.

To mention

ALASKA {former Russian America - 'Alyaska', now US exclave}
and around California location. Violent and illegal appropriation of foreign
territory annexation by Yankee USA, from Mexico: Texas, Alta California,
Nevada, Arizona, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico some 170 years ago.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Hauser via groups.io" <wghauser=yahoo.com@groups.io>

Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2021 6:52 AM
Subject: [WOR] Glenn Hauser logs March 2-3, 2021

** CUBA. 6180, March 3 at 0104, ...In fact CRI has a 6180 simulcast English
via Kashgar, East Turkistan, land of brainwashing Uighurs to become
good little Mandarins. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. 4980, March 3 at 0058, S7-S9 but undermodulated in
Asian language, Vietnamese or Chinese. Must not be Xinjiang PBS,
Urumqi graylinish, land of ChiCom genocide against the Uyghurs; but
rather WRMI with the multilingually unpredictable cultshow, `Supreme
Master TV`. .... (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0553 UT March 3

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