Hard-Core-DX.com: monitoring Jan12-14

monitoring Jan12-14

Friday, January 15 2021

6565 2139 talk by two OM in USB in English

810 checked with De380 at 930 PM LT (1930)with Greek service from MRT  Skopje Long time to listen to  them . Jus in the news the new Greek  ambassador was invited in the country (? Unknown if this new is new or old)  Test wih the AN 20 antenna for better gain and cleaning some of the local noise that is in part form BPL lines ?

11530## one again Welat With very poor signal comparing to the usual : Just -72dbm (9) ON 11545 there is a repeating burst mode of  2 per 5 seconds that does not effect so much reception Also V Iran on 1550 with only -80dbm (S7 )
17560 a Greek song aired via R Farda 1027 possibly  titled άτιμη  καρδιά atimi kardia (untrusted love /heart ) Clock then ID as radio Farda
17570 BSKSA Kuran program 1030  mixed with CRI in Chinese at -94/135dbm
17760##  seems Tagalog 1033 with discussions between man and woman presenters -100/130dbm still well heard. From radio Kuwait ?
15295## CNR TW? in my old fav frequency of 90s  with continuous talks on Taiwan -92/130 with QRM from RFI.  ID on 1054 as CNR Zhongguo ?. Shen   with news headlines Off  1100 with RFI . Again s short signal session on 1107 for 1 minute
9420$ $   CNR 13 still with the Chinese program in 1520 tested with m SDR and in Hungary

549 Jil FM 2300 not always audible here -10db lower than 531, Mixed with radio Coper Slovenia
792 Spanish station 2220 with talks mixed with Arabic , reference to Catalan ?? -86/115 SER Sevilla listed
801## Spanish station , 2221mixed in triple  with carriers at 800.95 800.99 and 801kHz  Only talks  RNE is listed only in mwlist
810 Skopje 2223 is also mixed with Spanish station (SER Madrid listed) only if their signal is lowered under -85 its peak where -75dbm is the peak
1008 ERA 2304  with news in Greek much clearer than 729 without QRM
1377  CNR is heard at-96dbm just marginal . There I also a -105dbm noise from DSL lines that convers also LF ID as 2258
1404 on of the rare cases to hear Era i2225 n this heavily occupied bu RR Act frequency -75dbm


##     screenshot available only in selected FC pages as above
$ $     remote kiwi reception
&&    other equipment reception ? mostly PL380
@@     video in youtube

Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery   with SDRConsole & 2x16 m antena
Icom  R75 /PL380 /  De1103  radios
https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages)
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