Hard-Core-DX.com: JRX Logs: January 4-5, 2021

JRX Logs: January 4-5, 2021

Tuesday, January 05 2021

JRX Logs: January 4-5, 2021Receiver: Degen DE1103Antenna: Degen 31MS Active LoopAll times and dates in UTC/GMT

CHINA** 7435. Mon, Jan 4, 2021. 1950-2000, China Radio International, Xian-Xianyang-CHN, in Romanian. Woman and man announcers present a Chinese Class; 1955 Man announcer talks, ID and ends programming; 1957 IS and next, a song till 2000. Very good reception.
** 9860. Mon, Jan 4, 2021. 2202-2215, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in Esperanto. Woman talks news, presumed; 1907 Woman says ID, esperanto program, and continues communication. Very good reception.
** 11740. Mon, Jan 4, 2021. 2216-2226, China National Radio 2 - China Business Radio, Lingshi-CHN, in Chinese. Woman announcers talks; 2225 Man talks and a song. Good reception.

CUBA** 11760. Mon, Jan 4, 2021. 2227-2237, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Spanish. Woman and man present news; 2231 RHC programming announcements; 2232 Political news and a comment on the National Assembly of Popular Power. Good reception.
** 11850. Mon, Jan 4, 2021. 2336-2346, Radio Habana Cuba, Quivican-CUB, in Spanish. Man and woman announcers present news in program "Revista de la Noche"; 2340 ID and RHC programming announcements; 2341 Political news by female announcer. Good reception.
** 11950. Mon, Jan 4, 2021. 2347-0005, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Spanish. Programs "Mesa Redonda": men participation, questions and answers about cuban political and government themes. 2357 Debate continues, now, with a moderate interference by CNR1 in chinese, on 11945kHz.0000 RHC debate continues and a interference by CNR1 jammer-firedrake.Changes in Mesa redonda time sked? Usually begins at 0000UT! Fair reception till 2357.

ROMANIA** 9600. Tue, Jan 5, 2021. 0024-0056, Radio Romania International, Tiganesti-ROU, in Spanish. Woman announcer presents a program "Vale la pena visitar Rumania"; ID, website; 0032 ID and the program "Horizonte Cultural Rumano"; 0038 News by external reporter, from Spain, in the program "Rumania en la Prensa Espanola"; 0045 Woman talks and presents a song of the day; 0053 Woman and man announcers say RRI sked in spanish; 0056 RRI IS. Very good reception.

THAILAND** 7475. Mon, Jan 4, 2021. 2000-2015, Radio Thailand, Udon-Thani-THA, in English. Woman announcer presents news; 2012 IS and man says ID; 2013 A very brief song and repeats IS and ID; 2015 Ends programming. Good reception.

USA** 5935. Tue, Jan 5, 2021. 0009-0019, WWCR 2, Nashville-TN, in English. Man pastor makes a preaching. Poor reception.

JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier SWARL Callsign PR7036SWLCabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)QTH Locator: HI22NX
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