Hard-Core-DX.com: Log Roberto Pavanello

Log Roberto Pavanello

Sunday, December 27 2020

  873 21/12 22.59 R. Zaragoza - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
 1017 24/12 18.05 Amica R. Veneta - Vigonza IT MX suff.
 1188 25/12 21.30 R. Payam - Tehran Farsi MX suff.
 1440 21/12 17.30 Z100 - Milano IT MX suff.
 1449 24/12 17.30 RAI R.1 - Belluno IT NX reg. Veneto buono
 1476 20/12 19.05 Muzeum R. - Bad Ischl Tedesco MX suff.
 1476 26/12 17.30 TWR - Parakou EE predica suff.
 1503 21/12 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - La Linea SS NX reg. Andalucia suff.
 1512 20/12 22.50 R. Ardabil - Farsi MX suff.
 1512 25/12 21.50 R. Zanussie - Dutch MX buono
 1584 20/12 21.35 RDE - Trieste IT NX suff.
 1625 26/12 16.55 R. Barones - Dutch MX suff.
 1629 23/12 23.15 R. Turftrekker - Dutch MX suff.
 1638 23/12 23.10 R. Bluebird - Dutch MX buono
 1647 20/12 17.50 R. Witte Tornado - Dutch MX buono
 1647 21/12 22.00 R. Armada - Dutch MX buono
 1655 20/12 21.55 R. Witte Raaf - Dutch MX buono
 1655 21/12 21.50 R. Oldtimer - Dutch MX suff.
 1655 25/12 21.00 R. Yogi Beer - Dutch MX suff.
 1665 20/12 21.45 R. Belladonna - Dutch MX suff.
 3900 26/12 16.40 R. Borderhunter - EE MX buono
 3920 20/12 22.00 R. Piepzender - Zwolle EE ID e MX buono
 3935LSB 20/12 17.15 Zenith Classic Rock - EE MX suff.
 3975 20/12 17.30 Shortwave R. - Wietze IT Scorribande buono
 4775 26/12 23.05 R. Tarma - SS MX suff.
 4875 21/12 17.15 R. Mystery 21 - EE MX buono
 4885 26/12 22.40 Echo of Hope - Seoul Coreano talk buono
 5140 25/12 09.30 Charleston R. Int. - EE ID e MX ott
 5780 20/12 17.45 Harmony R. - EE MX suff.
 5790 27/12 09.45 FRSH - EE MX suff. // a 7700 e 5810 KHz
 5810 21/12 17.20 Mike R. - Heerde EE ID e MX ottimo
 5830 21/12 17.10 R. Iran Int. - Farsi talk buono
 5880 27/12 10.30 R. Rock Revolution - EE MX buono
 5995 21/12 21.55 R. Mali - Bamako Vern. MX afro buono
 6020 26/12 10.50 R. Delta Int. - Elburg EE ID e MX buono
 6070 26/12 12.00 Uncle’s Bill Melting Pot - EE MX jazz ottimo
 6080 25/12 21.50 KBC R. - Ede EE ID e MX buono
 6130 26/12 09.30 R. Casanova EE ID e MX ottimo
 6135 26/12 23.20 R. Aparecida - PP MX suff.
 6180 26/12 23.25 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP calcio suff.
 6205 21/12 17.45 Laser Hot Hits - EE MX buono
 6210 26/12 10.25 R. King SW - EE MX buono
 6240 25/12 10.25 R. Victoria - EE ID e MX buono
 6250 22/12 21.30 Echo of Hope - Seoul Coreano talk suff.
 6260 25/12 09.55 R. Ronalisa - EE MX suff.
 6270 25/12 09.50 Misti R. - EE ID e MX suff.
 6275 26/12 16.35 R. Voyager - IT MX buono
 6285 25/12 10.45 R. Johnny Tobacco - EE MX buono
 6285 26/12 10.30 R. Lowland - EE MX suff.
 6295 20/12 17.00 Reflection Europe - EE predica buono
 6875 25/12 10.00 R. Europe - EE ID e MX buono
 7590 23/12 14.55 North Korea Reform R. - Seoul Coreano talk suff.
 7625 23/12 14.50 Voice of Wilderness - Seoul Coreano talk buono
 9505 26/12 17.20 Voice of Africa - Omdurman EE NX suff.
 9610 27/12 10.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione

 9720 26/12 17.15 R. Erena - Tigrina talk su Covid buono
11725 24/12 11.15 R. New Zeland Pacific - Wellington  EE talk buono
11905 24/12 11.10 Reach Beyond - Kilsyth Giapponese talk suff.
11965 24/12 11.20 KTWR - Guam EE talk suff.
12120 21/12 17.50 R. Pilipinas - Manila Filippino talk suff.

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

