Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
"FRS Seasonal December broadcast
On Sunday December 27th FRS-Holland will be ringing out 2020 with its
tradional Seasonal December broadcast. Programmes will start at 08:52
UTC/ 09:54 CET.
2020 has been a very special year. Covid-19 ruled the world with all of
its consequences. At the same time FRSH celebrated two milestones: In
August the 200th official shortwave broadcast and two months later-
early November- the icing of the cake was our 40th Anniversary. Both on
air celebrations were successful and we'd like all listeners for their
Times and frequencies December 27th:
7700// 5790 08:52- 13:30 UTC/ 09:52- 14:30 CET. Repeat following close
down: 13:30- 18:00 UTC/ 14:30- 19:00 CET.
3920: 08:52- 13:30 UTC/ 09:52- 14:30 CET.
5810: 08:52- 12:00 UTC/ 09:52- 13:00 CET.FRS-HOLLAND Programme-Schedule for SundayDecember 27th 2020
UTC Time
Programme Schedule
CET Time
Station-opening: ID's & Theme tune
FRS Magazine- Peter Verbruggen with the best music from the past
decades. Inclusing the Day Calendar for December 27th .10:02
German Show- Jan van Dijk.
Jan mainly focuses on new music and features the "Forgotten pirate" and
"Uplink" (an interesting Free Radio website items11:00
Dave Scott's Radiowaves featuring classic rock, modern progressive
rock, radio chat and reminiscences about landbased free radio.11:45
FRS Goes DXmas - Peter Verbruggen with News from around the World & SW
Musical Express- Bert van Leer
Music from 70s/80s plus radio related item.13:00
Everything 80s – Mike Taylor plays a fine 80s selection.
Close down
Our seventh scheduled 2020 broadcast is the 202nd ! As always
FRS-Holland remains “Just a bit different.”
Choosing for ‘the best of both worlds’ FRSH goes for broadcasting on
short wave in good old AM and digital high quality web
streaming.Listeners can make their choice out of two streams(see below
schedule):Streaming service
Monday December 28th
17:52-22:30 CET
Thursday December 31st
14:52-19:30 CET
Wednesday December 30th
14:00- 19:00 CET
Saturday January 2nd
19:00- 24:00 CET
Wednesday January 6th
11:00- 16:00 CET
Souvenir booklet/CD
It won't surprise you that the months prior to November 8th were fully
focused on preparing, organizing etc.for the 40th Anniversary. There was
hardly/no time for other 'business'. Nevertheless we felt it was the
right moment for a souvenir CD ánd booklet. And: we had to work on
creating/ producing an unique Anniversary QSL as well. It was not until
a week after the Anniversary broadcast that a start was made to produce
CD, booklet and QSL.
In the mean time the 'ingredients' for the CD have been finished. The
main idea for the special QSL card has been worked out and even better:
the QSL has already been printed. Those who sent a reception
report/letter to P.O.Box 2702 won't regret it: the 40th Anniversary QSL
is (in our humble opinion) a success and looks splendid. It's a folded
A4, printed on heavy quality paper in full color. Wait and see!
For those who sent an e-mail report, regretting (after reading the
above) they didn't go for a hard copy: you can still get your unique QSL
by writing to P.O.Box 2702. We have printed a few extra ones but
remember: this QSL is only issued for the 40th Anniversary broadcast!
Without exaggeration: the hard copy QSL is by far the best option! This
Holiday Season a start will be made replying to all who send an e-mail
report or a letter/report to P.O.Box 2702 ( it was crammed with
The booklet will contain 32 pages (!) and only costs 5 euro. That's also
the price for the CD. Payments via P.O.Box 2702 or via Paypal: use .73s, Happy Holidays
FRS team"
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