Hard-Core-DX.com: WMR and Radio208 new frequencies

WMR and Radio208 new frequencies

Tuesday, December 01 2020

This time we have to start with some very sad news. For a long time
(first time was in the spring of 2004 when WMR began broadcasting from
Denmark on 5815 and 15810 kHz) WMR - and now also Radio208 - have been
allowed to use "out-of-band" frequencies on a non-interference basis by
the Danish telecom authorities.  Now this has come to an end.  The
Danish telecom authorities has now finally decided that Denmark will not
comply with the ITU Radio Regulations article 4 which allows the use of
out-of-band frequencies. As all Shortwave listeners know, the use of
out-of-band frequencies is very widespread - it is the case for all or
most of  the Shortwave stations in the US, for BBC, in Norway, Armenia,
Thailand, The Netherlands, France, Germany, India etc. And many of these
stations utilise transmitter power of more than 100,000 Watts  while WMR
and Radio208 are using only 500 Watts at most.

So WMR and Radio208 are now forced to change frequencies - at a rather
short notice. This means that it will no longer be impossible [a
spelling error? perhaps wanted to write "possible" ? - Schoech] to reach
our listeners on Shortwave during evening hours, at night and in the
early morning hours due to the crowded 49 meter band.

Today Monday November 30th a license was received from the Danish
telecom authorities to use these new frequencies:

5930 kHz - World Music Radio - Bramming - 100W (soon 500W) - daily
schedule: 0700-1745 - change from 5840 to 5930 due late December 2020

5970 kHz - Radio208 - Hvidovre - 250W - daily schedule: 0700-1600 - due
on air early December 2020

15790 kHz - World Music Radio - Randers - 200W - Saturdays & Sundays
0700-2000 UTC - change from 15805 to 15790 due as of December 12th 2020

No changes for Medium Wave 927 and 1440 kHz

Please help keeping AM radio alive - and WMR and Radio208 on the air

Listeners of World Music Radio (WMR) and Radio208 are kindly invited to
send a donation to cover some of the costs involved with running these
two, non-commercial radio stations. The running costs includes music
royalties (450 euro per month) and electricity costs for the four
AM-transmitters. Funds are also needed for setting up the aerial for the
927 kHz transmitter in Hvidovre, Copenhagen.

All amounts are welcome!!

Please use this link: paypal.me/worldmusicradio - or please make a bank
transfer to Hartvig Media, Hovedvejen 17, DK 8920 Randers - IBAN
DK1093310007162081 - SWIFT KRONDK22 (the bank is Sparekassen
Kronjylland, Mariagervej 47, DK 8920 Randers, Denmark)

Please mention, if you want your contribution to be anonymous - please
write "anon".

Thank you all so much for donations to WMR and Radio208 in November J

A big thank you to the many supporters of WMR and Radio208 for sending
donations in the past weeks.

Transmitter situation

- The work with erecting the aerial for 927 kHz in Hvidovre is continuing.
- The WMR transmitter in Bramming is still running at 100 Watts. It is
hoped that the 500 Watts PA can be taking into use at the time when the
frequency is changed from 5840 to 5930 kHz - The 200W WMR transmitter on
15805 from Randers usually runs very well. 15790 from December 12th
2020. Remember though, to use AM mode when listening here. The audio
gets distorted if using ECSS/SAM or LSB/USB modes.

- Radio208 on 1440 with 500 Watt from Ishøj is running without problems.
Nice reception in good parts of Southern Sweden, northern Germany and
the Benelux in the mornings.  - The Radio208 transmitter on 5805 kHz
(250 Watts)  in Hvidovre went silent November 22nd. Transmissions on
5805 are not expected to return. Instead 5970 kHz (at 0700-1600 UTC
only) is planned to be taking into use within this or next week.

Radio208 t-shirt and WMR mouse pad

Coming soon is a web shop at wmr.dk and radio208.dk where you will be
able to buy t-shirts, mouse pads, mugs etc. Hopefully ready by mid December.

Stig Hartvig Nielsen,

