Hard-Core-DX.com: Mark Coady, Ont., November 28th Loggings

Mark Coady, Ont., November 28th Loggings

Sunday, November 29 2020

Old ORTM Bamako Kati site of the French colonial empire era.
1952: Founding of La Société de Radiodiffusion de la France d'Outre Mer
(SORAFOM) for the French colonies.

12 44 37 N 08 03 11 W
some 13 kilometers no-we of Bamako capital

CRI started renting 50 kW only location here in June 1999,
CRI 17880 kHz reported by Noel R. Green then


- - -

RTC China built a separate n e w relay site at Bamako Mali Koulouba
from 2005 year onwards - 2007 year, contain three 100 kW shortwave units,
some 7 kilometres south-eastwards on the highway at
12 41 13.03 N 08 01 31.72 W,
some 6 kilometers no-we of Bamako capital


Bamako built with latest 2002 - 2005 tx and twin-mast design of BBEF Beijing
firm, like similar at Cerrik Albania, Kashgar, Urumqi, Dong Fang island and
other RTC China bcast centers.

And refurbished also the local RTVM Bamako Kati site finnished
on 26 March 2009, new even frequency signals of RTVM Mali
reported in DXcircles worldwide.

For political reasons - or islamist matter in Mali ?,
however, there has been an interruption
of the lease and broadcast center access by RTC / CRI Beijing
in the current decade.

So seemingly there was a 15 years contract between Mali and China govt,
came into effect between August 2003 and last til 2018,
when CRI forced to stopp their Africa/NE broadcast relay service there at
Bamako Mali, .... and DXers told that the world last year.

The four frequency management ladies of RTC requested the full program of
Bamako Chinese Africa relay site schedule some 8 weeks ago on HFCC meeting
on 21 to 25 January 2019 in Tunisia ...

73 wb

----- Original Message -----
From: "hungaroboy" <hungaroboy@freemail.hu>

Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] Fw: [odxa] Mark Coady, Ont., November 28th Loggings

"9635 MALI RTV du Mali at 0833 in French with a selection of lively Afropops
and African hi-life vocals to 0858 and a man with ID and a slogan and more
lively vocals to 0900 and a woman with ID then a man and woman with slogans
then news - Good with slight fading Nov 28 Coady-ON - This one uses the same
Chinese installed and maintained transmitter site that the CRI relay station
uses although, officially, RTV du Mali owns it and leases air time to CRI.
It's too bad that other countries don't have this kind of arrangement like
Botswana and Sao Tome and Madagascar. Too bad the Chinese could not have
kept the Meyerton, South Africa transmitter site going but sugar daddies are
hard to find."

I think the ORTM (5995 and 9635 kHz) transmitter location is in Kati which
is around 50 kilometres away from Bamako. Once we talked about it in this
WOR group but I don't know when. If I remember well the conclusion was that
CRI's relay and ORTM's own broadcasting site is near to each others but not
exactly on the same place.
Yes, it is true that more and more such sugardaddies are needed to keep, as
mentioned, Meyerton and others. Sugardaddies, pick please up these
transmitter sites!!!

Tibor Gaal
Budapest, Hungary

<WOR@groups.io>, ezt írta:

Shortwave Loggings for November 28, 2020

All loggings in English unless otherwise specified. All times and dates are
in UTC. Wherever possible countries cited are taken from the NASWA country
list. Cities cited after the station are for countries with multiple
transmitter locations.

9635 MALI RTV du Mali at 0833 in French with a selection of lively Afropops
and African hi-life vocals to 0858 and a man with ID and a slogan and more
lively vocals to 0900 and a woman with ID then a man and woman with slogans
then news – Good with slight fading Nov 28 Coady-ON – This one uses the same
Chinese installed and maintained transmitter site that the CRI relay station
uses although, officially, RTV du Mali owns it and leases air time to CRI.
It's too bad that other countries don't have this kind of arrangement like
Botswana and Sao Tome and Madagascar. Too bad the Chinese could not have
kept the Meyerton, South Africa transmitter site going but sugar daddies are
hard to find.

9730 CHINA CRI (Beijing) at 1148 with pop vocals and a woman talking about
giving gift cards this year to people you can't see due to COVID-19 – Fair
Nov 28 Coady-ON

Coady-ON: Mark Coady, Selwyn, Ontario with a Ten-Tec Argonaut II or a Xiegu
X1M and an 80 meter off center-fed dipole or an Alpha Delta DX-LB dipole
both mounted in inverted vee configurations and a 117 foot long half-wave
delta loop.

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