Hard-Core-DX.com: Wolfgang Bueschel: Mali observations

Wolfgang Bueschel: Mali observations

Sunday, November 29 2020

Old ORTM Bamako Kati site of the French colonial empire era. 1952:
Founding of La Société de Radiodiffusion de la France d'Outre Mer
(SORAFOM) for the French colonies.

12 44 37 N  08 03 11 W
some 13 kilometers no-we of Bamako capital

CRI started renting 50 kW only location here in June 1999,
CRI 17880 kHz reported by Noel R. Green then


- - -

RTC China built a separate  n e w  relay site at Bamako Mali Koulouba
from 2005 year onwards - 2007 year, contain three 100 kW shortwave
units, some 7 kilometres south-eastwards on the highway at 12 41 13.03
N  08 01 31.72 W, some 6 kilometers no-we of Bamako capital


Bamako built with latest 2002 - 2005 tx and twin-mast design of BBEF
Beijing firm, like similar at Cerrik Albania, Kashgar, Urumqi, Dong Fang
island and other RTC China bcast centers.

And refurbished also the local RTVM Bamako Kati site finnished on 26
March 2009, new even frequency signals of RTVM Mali reported in
DXcircles worldwide.

For political reasons - or islamist matter in Mali ?,
however, there has been an interruption of the lease and broadcast
center access by RTC / CRI Beijing in the current decade.

So seemingly there was a 15 years contract between Mali and China govt,
came into effect between August 2003 and last til 2018, when
CRI forced to stopp their Africa/NE broadcast relay service there at
Bamako Mali,  ....  and DXers told that the world last year.

The four frequency management ladies of RTC requested the full program
of Bamako Chinese Africa relay site schedule some 8 weeks ago on HFCC
meeting on 21 to 25 January 2019 in Tunisia ...

73 wb

