Hard-Core-DX.com: #267 Reception in Ibiuna SP, BRAZIL - November 23, 2020

#267 Reception in Ibiuna SP, BRAZIL - November 23, 2020

Tuesday, November 24 2020

#267 RECEPTION IN IBIUNA SP, BRAZIL – November 23, 2020
(RG) - Rudolf Grimm, PY2-81502 SWL
. Rx: Kenwood R-1000
. Indoor loop antennas: AlexLoop SML7-30, AOR LA-400 magnetic loop, Quantum Loop Radio + Potomac FL-31 Filter
. All Brazilian stations all in Portuguese language
. Times in UTC.
+++ This is a test of possibilities using indoor loop antennas in my new radio-shack, that is being assembled in my second home (rural area of Ibiuna), in a beautiful landscape, mountains and dense forest, around 910 m above sea level.
In this place, many new sounds: horses, cows, roosters, ducks, dogs, birds, etc... And, last Saturday night we were visited by a type of a fox that lives in the Atlantic Forest of the region. A fantastic scene. The flashlight used outside left no doubt, as well, as the footprint marks on the fresh cement at the floor.
The antennas used on this action: AlexLoop SML7-30 (7 to 30 MHz, passive antenna); Quantum Loop Radio Plus + (active antenna, used for medium waves, from 530 to 1710 kHz - very sensitive, and very directive) - this, connected to a Potomac FL-31 filter; and, a AOR LA-400 antenna (active antenna, covering 153 kHz to 30 MHz). The three antennas with an excelent result. There was no a comparative test, but just a seek for a good result. And it was posible.
As a next step, I will apply one or two external antennas (perhaps my new W6LVP antena and the MiniWhip PA0RDT, ... or...), seeking to know the best environment for a definitive decision: to use better internal or the external antennas, or even both. The actual verification was very good.

590 kHz: Radio Continental, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 20/11 0040. A soccer (football) game of the Argentinian National Championship 2020, Tucuman x Racing, id ‘Continental’, advs Volkswagen T-Cross. 24532 (RG).

620 kHz: Radio Pelotense, Pelotas RS, 20/11 0020. A Brazilian song, jingle ‘Pelotense... a radio que todo o mundo ouve...’. 25542 (RG). Holy loop antenna! On 620 kHz normally I receive Radio Jovem Pan, São Paulo, 620 kHz in Ibiuna with a strong signal. With a good loop antenna adjustment, JP with signal zero!
740 kHz: Radio CBN-Diário, Florianópolis SC, 19/11 2157. News bulletin, CoronaVirus in Santa Catarina State, sport News, FC Figueirense, id ‘CBN-Diário’. 35553 (RG). Last days I received an information that on 27 November, this MW station will move in definitive to FM.
740 kHz: Radio Cultura Bariri SP, 20/11 2035. Announcement to Listeners of Pederneiras (not so far from Bariri), ‘Programa, Viola, sempre viola’. 24542 (RG).
810 kHz: Radio Difusora, Jundiaí SP, 20/11 1830. ‘Radio Difusora AM, 810 kHz, Jundiaí’. 45554 (RG).
850 kHz: Radio Atalaia, Campo Erê SC, 20/11 0113. ‘ZYJ807, Radio Atalaia, Campo Erê, Santa Catarina’. Auto Escola Campo Erê, Lojas de Móveis. 25442 (RG).
850 kHz: Radio Cidade, Brusque SC, 21/11 0810. Id: ‘Radio Cidade, Brusque... programa Musica da Gente’. 35553 (RG).
890 kHz: Radio Deus é Amor, Florianópolis SC, 20/11 2045. ‘Programa A Voz da Libertação, Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor, Av. Mauro Ramos, no centro de Florianópolis’...). 25332 (RG).
930 kHz: Radio Clube, Itapira SP, 20/11 2055. ‘Você está sintonizando ZYK503, Radio Clube, Itapira’, advs. 35553 (RG).
950 kHz: Radio Vale, Tijucas SC, 20/11 0102. Jingle ‘Vale AM’, Brazilian song. 35443 (RG). On 21/11, another reception with regular / good quality.
960 kHz: Radio Deus é Amor (via Radio Caraíba), Aparecida de Goiania GO, 20/11 0107. Program ‘A Voz da Libertação’, anouncements to Goiania. 35543 (RG).
960 kHz: Radio Guarujá, Orleans SC, 20/11 2059. A Brazilian song. ‘ZYJ733, Radio Guarujá, Orleans, sul de Santa Catarina...’. 23542 (RG). QRM 960 kHz Radio Deus é Amor, Aparecida de Goiania GO.
1160 kHz: Radio Cacique, Sorocaba SP, 20/11 1825. ‘Voce está ouvindo a Radio Cacique, afiliada à Rede Bandeirantes de Radio’. 45554 (RG).
1380 kHz: Radio Difusora, Mogi-Guaçu (pres.), 20/11 0125. ‘Difusora, mais credibilidade...’, a Brazilian song. 24542 (RG).
5940 kHz: Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriú SC, 20/11 1510. News ‘ACAERT Noticias’., News bulletin, talking about Santa Catarina State. 45554 (RG). // 9665 kHz.
6010 kHz: Radio Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 21/11 2315. A Brazilian song, id ‘Inconfidência...’. 35443 (RG). Tx w/122° Az to Southeastern Brazil.
6080 kHz: Radio Marumby, Curitiba PR, 20/11 1515. ‘Musical Evangélico ... Radio Marumby...’. 35553 (RG). Tx w/226° Az to Southern Brazil.
9550 kHz: Super Radio Boa Vontade, via Porto Alegre RS, 20/11 1410. A religious program ‘Religião Boa Vontade’. 45554 (RG).
9665 kHz: Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriú SC, 20/11 1505. News ‘ACAERT Noticias’. 45554 (RG). // 5940 kHz. Tx w/30° Az to Northeastern Brazil.
9820 (9818...) kHz: Radio Nove de Julho, São Paulo SP, 20/11 1540. Religious News, a song performed by Eros Ramazotti, ‘Giro de Notícias, Radio Nove de Julho 1600 kHz’. 45554 (RG).
10000 kHz: Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 20/11 1520. Female voice: ‘Observatório Nacional, 12 horas, 20 minutos, 40 segundos...’, time pips. 45554 (RG).
11780 kHz: Radio Nacional da Amazônia, Brasília DF, 20/11 1400. ‘Ponto de Encontro’, Brazilian song, Amado Batista, Trio Parada Dura, id. 45554 (RG). Tx w/360° Az to Northern Brazil.
11815 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 20/11 1100. Sport News, Brazilian National Championship, FC Bahia x FC Bragantino. 35543 (RG). Tx w/360° Az to Northern Brazil.

3950 kHz: PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, Chinese, 21/11 0005. Talk by male and female announcers. 35443 (RG).
5050 kHz: Vo Beibu Bay Radio, Nanning, Chinese, 21/11 2302. A song in Chinese language, male communication. 25552 (RG).
5060 kHz: PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, Chinese, 21/11 0010. Talk by male and female announcers. 35543 (RG). It seems // with 3950 kHz.

17800 kHz: Deutsche Welle, via Issoudun, Hausa, 21/11 1340. Talk by male announcer. ‘Africa’ (several times). 35553 (RG)

12005 kHz: Radio Farda, via Biblis, Persian, 20/11 1050. Talk by male announcer, interview. 25432 (RG). Tx w/105° Az to Asia.
15690 kHz: Radio Farda, via Lampertheim, Persian, 20/11 1240. Interview by male / female voices. 25542 (RG). Tx w/104° Az to Asia.

11965 kHz: KTWR Guam, Agat, Sundanese, 20/11 1055. Christian message style, a prayer by male voice, instrumental music (flute). 35553 (RG). Tx w/248° Az to Southeastern Asia.

17595 kHz: All India Radio, Bangalore, Chinese, 20/11 1255. Talk by female voice speaker. 35443 (RG). Tx w/38° Az to Eastern Asia.

11935 kHz: Radio Vaticano, via Talata-Volondry, Swahili, 20/11 1610. Talk by male voice, African style song, 1627 interval signal RV, and sign-off. 35443 (RG).

12085 kHz: Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Japanese, 20/11 1040. A song in Mongolian style, talk by fmemale voice. 25443 (RG). Tx w/116° Az to Japan. I received a beautiful QSL-Card from Voice of Mongolia, 12085 kHz, on 2004.

800 kHz: TWR Bonaire, Portuguese, 21/11 0815. The best signal received in the last years here in Southeastern Brazil. ‘Sons do coração, adoradores e não consumistas,...’. Songs with Adhemar de Campos and Nelson Bomilcar, Josiane Pimentel, Marlene. ‘Radio Trans Mundial’, address in São Paulo. 35553 / 45554 (RG).

11725 kHz: Radio New Zealand International, Rangitaiki, English, 20/11 1150. Song ‘Take the last train to Clarksville’, 1200: time pips, time checking, News bulletin, ‘Radio New Zealand’. 35443 (RG). Tx w/35° Az to Canadian and North American Western coast.

12065 kHz: BBC, via Al Seela, Dari, 20/11 1045. Talk by female and male announcers. 35543 (RG). Tx w/63° Az to Asia.

650 kHz: Radio Uno, Asunción, Spanish, 20/11 0015. A soccer (football) game of the Paraguayan National Championship 2020, Sol de America x General Diaz. Station id. 35543 (RG).

4955 kHz: Radio Cultural Amauta (pres.), Huanta, Spanish, 21/11 2308. Talk by male and female voices. Peruvian style instrumental music. 25222 (RG).

3915 kHz: BBC, via Kranji, English, 21/11 2250. Religions in discussion, Christians, God, Muslims, ... 35553 (RG).

11795 kHz: KBS World Radio, Kimjae, Spanish, 20/11 1103. News, USA, Korea, North Korea. 33543 (RG). QRM CRI in English language.

11915 kHz: Radio Taiwan International, Paochung, Indonesian, 20/11 1058. Talk by male voice, instrumental music. The station schedule, end of transmission on 1100. 35543 (RG). Tx w/205° Az to Southeastern Asia.

17560 kHz: Radio Farda, via Udon Thani, Persian, 20/11 1250. Talk by male speaker, news and comments. 35443 (RG). Tx w/300° Az to Asia.

15350 kHz: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Urdu, 20/11 1355. A Turkish song, male voice speaker, typical instrumental music. 25432 (RG). Tx w/310° Az to Asia.

11655 kHz: IBRA Media / Radio Ibrahim, via Al-Dhabbyia, Afar, 20/11 1605. Christian message by male voice. 25442 (RG). Tx w/225° Az to Africa
17680 kHz: TWR Africa, via Al-Dhabbyia, Afar, 20/11 1300. Interval signal, Christian TWR program. 25432 (RG). Tx w/250° Az to Africa.
17845 kHz: Radio Ergo, via Al-Dhabbyia, Somali, 20/11 1255. A song in African style, talk by female voice, id ‘Radio Ergo’, 1300 sign-off. 35553 (RG). Tx w/225° Az to Northeastern Africa.

5010 kHz: WRMI Family Radio, via Okeechobee, Spanish, 21/11 2305. Instrumental music, id ‘Family Radio’, Bible Reading. 35553 (RG).
5085 kHz: WTWW, Lebanon, English, 21/11 2255. Questions and answewrs about the Bible, by male voice. 25542 (RG). Tx w/184° Az to Central America.
9955 kHz: WRMI Wave Scan, English, 21/11 2330. International DX-program. 35553 (RG).
11930 kHz: Radio Marti, Greenville, Spanish, 20/11 1405. Talk by male voice, Conferencia sobre Cuba, grupos dissidentes, resistência. 35543 (RG). Tx w/184° Az to Cuba.
15770 kHz: WRMI The Overcomer Ministry, via Okeechobee, English, 21/11 1252. Preaching on Brother Stairs style. 25332 (RG). Tx w/44° Az to Europe.

930 kHz: Radio Monte Carlo, Montevideo, Spanish, 20/11 0055. ‘Radio Monte Carlo informa... informativo Monte Carlo 930 AM’. 34543 (RG).
1400 kHz: Radio Zorrilla de San Martin, Tacuarembó, Spanish, 20/11 0932. Escola... en Tacuarembó’. A song by male voice. 23532 (RG). QRM 1400 kHz Radio Rio de Janeiro.

15640 kHz: Radio Azadi (Radio Free Afghanistan), via Sta. Maria di Galeria, Pashto, 20/11 1350. Male voice: ‘...Azadi....’. News, Azerbaijan. 35543 (RG). Tc w/89° Az to Asia.

5915 kHz: Zanzibar NBC Radio 1, Lusaka, Vernacular, 21/11 0029. A song in African style, communication by female voice. 25542 (RG).
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