Hard-Core-DX.com: Radio Waves International 37th birthday

Radio Waves International 37th birthday

Monday, November 09 2020

During all this month of November 2020 we are celebrating our
37th birthday on the air via radio channel 292, visite their
website for update schedule http://www.channel292.de

Thanks to listeners for their continuous support.


The terrible twins


Ps we add broadcasts on 14.21 & 28th No en 3955khz


 you can visit us at : http://www.wrwi.fr


1983 -2020 37 years on the airwaves

special programs during all the month of November 2020

Radio Waves International

since November 1983  on shortwaves

37 years on the airwaves

with 30 years of country music

on 6070khz or 9670khz via Radio Channel 292

visit the website for update http://www.channel292.de

or on the web via  www.channel292.de



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92504 RUEIL Cedex



for UPS or Fedex ask us an alternative postal adress.




"the terrible twins"

