Hard-Core-DX.com: Help UNID on v9669 kHz

Help UNID on v9669 kHz

Saturday, November 07 2020

CHINA/THAILAND/and probably Bavaria-Germany private radio too ?

At Canadian remote stn of VE6JY in Alberta noted bad audio mixture of
9670 even kHz
CHN1 jamming against US AGM Udorn Thani Ban Dung Tibetan
language opposition China radio mothpiece signal,
and accompanied Bavarian music test via Ch292 Ingolstadt Rohrbach Bavaria on

9669.850 kHz much odd fq at 00.25 UT of S=6 level.
73 wolfie df5sx

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Friday, November 06, 2020 7:42 PM

Subject: [WOR] Help UNID on v9669 kHz

MOST PROBABLY Bavaria origin ?

- 9669.851 kHz much odd fq, another test broadcast of German private stn
Ch292 Ingolstadt Rohrbach Bavaria, on Nov 6 at 18.18 UT.

Anyway, you heard hard pop mx on a very odd frequency that evening.
Nothing in southern Europe, CeEUR, but fair to tiny in EaFinland,
and QRM of ARS Riyadh in Turkish,

but noted S=6 or -93dBm signal just above threshold
in NoAmerican east coast. on K2IE New Jersey installation, and remotedly
at Rochester NY SDR rx.

73 wolfie df5sx

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