Latest Latin American Monitoring
5025kHz, R. Quillabamba, Peru, Cusco; 01/11, 2230 – 2245 music alternating male and female in Spanish, ID and annoucements. Mixing signals (Cuba x Quillabamba), fair signal, at this time initially prevail Peru. At winter it lasts longer throughout the night. At around 2240 starts a tie in battle, (LOB).
4955kHz, R. Cultura Amauta, Peru, Huanta; 01/11, 2321 – 2328 female in Spanish, slow local pop. Unfortunatelly this station almost always poor (LOB).
4764kHz, R. Huanta 2000, Peru, Huanta; 01-02/11, 2346 – 0005 male and female in Spanish talks, ads, folk music selections, ToH announcements, talks (seems an emotional message), andean flute music, announcements ‘Radio Huanta”. Poor alternating fair, few words readable, some improvement over listening, some het (LOB).
4885kHz, Echo of Hope, Korea South; 02/11, 0833 – 0837 male in Korean talks. Battle agaisnt R. Clube do Pará, Brasilian prevailing, //3980kHz poor, deterioring over listening (LOB).
Tecsun PL310et
Wire 14m, dipole 18m
Embu SP Brasil
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