One more reminder, this is coming up Friday night Oct 30th at 8pm
eastern/0000UTC Saturday Oct. 31st. Pre-registration is required but it's
free, you can simply call in on the phone and listen or listen on the
website. You don't need the app.
There will be a Question and answer session after the presentation which is
probably going to be about 20 minutes or so.. could be longer or shorter,
depending on how much hot air I'm full of that night.
The presentation will be video recorded and posted on youtube shortly after
the presentation (a day or two later)
On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 10:54 PM Paul B. Walker, Jr. via
<> wrote:
> I've been asked by a ham radio club to do a presentation on DXing in rural
> central Alaska. I spent about 16 months in Galena, back in 2016 and 2017
> while working as the program director for a public/community radio station.
> It was a very unique situation with some special considerations one might
> not have to deal with elsewhere. I spent alot of time and money
> experimenting there and had some pretty amazing results.
> I will also briefly discuss what it was like as a radio broadcaster in
> Alaska and the technical challenges we faced in the course of doing
> business every day.
> The presentation will be done using the Zoom smartphone app and website.
> You don't need to have or enable the camera on your phone or computer to
> participate and there will also be options to simply dial in and listen by
> phone as well for those who don't want to use the computer or have a smart
> phone.
> The presentation will be on Friday October 30th at 8pm eastern time. Pre
> registration is required but its very simple and easy. I'd love to have you
> there. Please spread the word to any ham clubs, dxing clubs, email lists,
> facbeook groups or messages boards.
> Register in advance for the meeting:
> Email me directly, with any questions and if
> I don't have an answers, I'll refer you to the club managers for assistance.
> Paul
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