Hard-Core-DX.com: Bye Bye to AIR Jaipur on SW

Bye Bye to AIR Jaipur on SW

Friday, October 23 2020

style="font-family:inherit;font-weight:bold"> style="font-family:inherit">Bye style="font-family:inherit;font-weight:bold"> style="font-family:inherit"> Bye to AIR Jaipur on SW -

Last day observations

23 Oct 2020 Friday

Morning transmission :

4910 kHz noted sign off at 0427 UTC (9.57 am IST)

Afternoon transmission :

7325 khz noted sign off at 0941 UTC (3.11 pm IST)

Announcements about ending of SW transmissions by them where heard many times.

(Did not hear such announcements on other closed down AIR SW stations)



Jose Jacob, VU2JOS

