3/10 monitoring
#DX #shortwave #MW #broadcasting #SW
6000 CNR 1615with long talks mentions about Maozhedong -80/-115dbm but clear
6005 R Byelorussye1821 with reel IS in various language sthen with talks
6015 PBS Xinjiangin KZ 1649 with micing of talks and traditional music -75dbm ατ 1819 with a rock song while it is jammedby N Korean jammer -77dbm also
6055 Evangelishemission in German ended on the 1100 time as shown in the spectan wih -80dbm inthat time
6070 R292with German program 0822 and -85/115dbm at 0826 with an English rocksong
6095 the mightly KFC in the frequency with German talksand 150kW as noticed by the caster yelding a s nearly steady signal of -75dbm withvery slow fading of up to 15 dbm
6110 fana ,talks in amahric 1630 with many mentions on Sudan Inner buzz around 50 HZ -77dbm/114
6205 Laser 1824 with po song . signal is very poor at -95just 15 db above the noise
6290 pirate1825 with pop song old hits of 80s -88dbmand boney m
6294 pirate 1908 with oldies
7210 TRTT 1108with Turkish song and -50dbm signal Bulgarian lang with talks after 1110 with theme on Greek-Turk controversy
9510 0829there is a station on this time laying rock music with -90dbm ar JBA as Glennnotices
9650 suppGuinee with a sole carrier of -74dbm but no modulation
9655 TRT 1030in Georgian program playing songs after talks -66.5/dbm
9660 and9680 CE outlets with just -90/115dbm signal
9670 R292 0827 mysterious amd monotonous song -85/105dbmand then 0832 ack with orchestral music of 70s that seems like Italian type. OMdescribing in Engish mentioning Coliman 0852 with a Japanese pop song Signalcomes to -74dbm in its tops New program on 0908 Back on 1052 with Encore andclassical music when the noise was suddenly increased
9705 CNR17in Kazakh 1110 just faded in with -80dbm signal at best . Short talks and turkicrhythmic music
9749.81 Kuwait1120 a discussion Arabic -75dbm . QRMfrom carrier pss NHK ΝΗΚ tested on 1453 with -82db and rock enka song IS 1459
15665 CRI inRussian 0805 with news , satellites -86/130dbm
15805 WMR0807 with world songs Sound is highly overloaded Signal in this time -105
17490 CRI 0810in English -82/140dbm in hifi quality audio with 15 kHz wide filter! Discussionsmentioning Any Disckinson (who is her )
21670 BSKSA/R Sa Int -101dbm just above local noise and in between
1611 devil?1034 old Greek songs
531 16xxwith R Antenna sattelor //153 that timewith good signal -70 instead of hearing Jil Fm . Jim was audible on 1834 with-76dbm
630 R Timişoara ID at 1900then with folklore music . -50dbm
Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery with SDRConsole & 2x16 m antena
Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios
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