Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- Station news
- The dangerous life of a DX-er (from A-DX)
- State-Of-The-Art Spy Radio: A comprehensive review of the Belka DSP
portable shortwave receiver (Rus-DX)
- Moscow DX Information Bulletin. (Rus-DX)
- In Russia, there has been a sharp decline in the number of radio
listeners. (Rus-DX)
- Books "History of International Broadcasting" (A-DX Newsgroup)
- SOLAR HAM web page
- [WOR] Oldest amateur radio satellite still in operation (WOR)
- From the book ?Call signs of worries and hopes. "Mayak". 40 years on the
air. " In Russian. (Rus-DX)
- In the city of Tver region, a cat music lover appeared on the radio.
- [WOR] New at NRC website http://www.nationalradioclub.org (NRC DX-News)
- [WOR] Detroit, Atlanta, Carrollton --- One Hundred Years of Radio
Broadcasting History (NRC DX-News)
- TGWA ?Radiodifusora Nacional ? La Voz de Guatemala (QSL scanned by John
- GUATEMALA: Radio Nacional TGW celebra 83 años (Radio World)
- Radio station TGNA
- Perseus Server on west coast of Canada: please try. (Walt Salmaniv)
- RADIO COOK ISLANDS (Robert Wilkner)
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1960.pdf