Hard-Core-DX.com: FRS 40th Anniversary

FRS 40th Anniversary

Monday, September 28 2020

We at FRS were happy
with the  response on our 200th official broadcast on Sunday
August 30th. We received a fine number of most interesting mails
and letters,

some from 'long ago listeners' and others from new listeners.
And amazing reception in the US/Canada later in the evening! But
(and this is even more important!)

also solid reception in Europe, particularly
in the mid/later part of the evening.

The comprehensive FRS Summer 2020 Newsletter tells it

In the mean time we have responded to all those writing in for
the FRS Summer Splash as well as the 200th broadcast August
30th. It was a huge job but

looking at some of the mail we received, it was worth doing.

Most likely early November we hope to
celebrate 4 decades of FRS-Holland on short wave. Certainly a

It's not only our party but also the listeners' one! So...we
need a little helping hand, your participation.

In all those many years we have often tried to involve listeners
in our broadcasts.. Many of you will know what I mean.

We'd kindly request to answer & reply to these two

Q1) When did you listen
to FRS-Holland for the very first time?

It could be an exact date but if you cannot remember
that's no problem. 'Summer 1983', 'late 1998' , Spring 2005''
...all is ok! And: if you can add a just a few 
explanatory words
. that would be wonderful.

Like: 'I first heard FRS-Holland because early 2001 I
bought myself a new SW receiver. One of the first times I used
it, I came along FRS-Holland." Or: "I read about FRS in
a magazine and was

curious to hear the station.' 'I heard it from a fellow DXer.' 
There are various good reasons! If you remember please mention

Q2) And why are you still
listening to FRSH?

Please come up with one or a few arguments. Most likely you have
already mentioned (a) reason(s) in a mail/ letter you once sent.

How to respond?

You can respond by e-mail or  spoken word
(approx. one minute).

If you have the opportunity to record your message (mp3),
that would be wonderful. Otherwise we will read out your message
on air!

Please include your name and address. To ease things you
can fill in the attached form
and return it. 

Or alternatively put your answers directly in a mail.

Last but not least: we
MUST have your entry latest on October 9th.
gives you more than enough time.

We do not expect long 'stories'. Keep it short !

Partcipation_ form listeners.docx

Description: MS-Word document

