CUBA Glenn, no reception when checked in past 1-2 weeks,
of Bauta site 7380 kHz in 22-24 UT slot towards South Africa,
A-3 antenna HRS4/4/0.8 RJ 130degr -30degr slewed =
100 degrees SoAF azimuth. 73 wb
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX" <>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 10:40 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 13-14, 2020
VIETNAM. The 1600 VOV English broadcast is still running, checked
via UTwente Sept 14 at 1619, VG on 9729.952v and 7279.999+, also
audible on much weaker 7219.999+
73, (Glenn Hauser, Sept 14, WOR iog)This report dispatched at 2040 UT September 14
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list
NOT ON AIR 22.00-22.58 UT on Sept 13 and 14.
2200-2228 on 9839.75 SON 100 kW / 057 deg to EaAs Japanese
2200-2228 on 12018.65 SON 100 kW / 057 deg to EaAs Japanese
2230-2258 on 9839.75 SON 100 kW / 057 deg to EaAs Chinese
2230-2258 on 12018.65 SON 100 kW / 057 deg to EaAs Chinese
But on Sept 13 and 14 heard different schedule
not on air 22.00-23.00 UTSTILL ON AIR at 23.00-23.58 UTC only single outlet
in 31 mb frequency, 73 wb df5sxVIETNAM
9839.771 kHz measured exact in Hiroshima and Tokyo remote Perseus,
Voice of Vietnam, Son tay site in Indonesian 23.00 til 23.27 UT end,
then 2-3 minute only empty carrier. From 23.31 UT then news in English.
VoVTN ID, item 'New Japanese Premier Ministre'.
S=7-8 or -79dBm in Hiroshima poor to fair, and poor S=6 in northern Tokyo
Japan remote SDR. - BACKLOBE signal - of 177degr azimuth antenna
to THA, MAL, SNG, INS, PHL, LAO target on Sept 13 and 14.but when entered KiwiNet VoVTN English on Kiwi remote unit at
Jakarta INS at 23.31-23.58 UT, noted S=9+20dB or -52dBm powerful,
easy armchair listening on this only Jakarta location Kiwi receiver,
try tomorrow via Kiwi web
<>kHz UTC zone site kW degr slew anttype
9840 2300-2400 54 VN1 100 177 0 156
12020 2300-2400 54 VN1 100 177 0 156 off air 13 and 14 Sept[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 13 / 14)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivo Observer" <>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 10:51 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Suspended transmissions of Voice Vietnam
*VIETNAM Due to faults in the transmitters from September 6
Voice Vietnam decided to suspend the following transmissions*
1130-1158 on 7220.00 SON 100 kW / 027 deg to FERu Russian
1230-1258 on 7220.00 SON 100 kW / 027 deg to FERu Russian
1230-1258 on 12018.65 SON 100 kW / 177 deg to SEAs English
1300-1328 on 12018.65 SON 100 kW / 177 deg to SEAs Indonesian
2200-2228 on 9839.75 SON 100 kW / 057 deg to EaAs Japanese
2200-2228 on 12018.65 SON 100 kW / 057 deg to EaAs Japanese
2230-2258 on 9839.75 SON 100 kW / 057 deg to EaAs Chinese
2230-2258 on 12018.65 SON 100 kW / 057 deg to EaAs Chinese
2300-2328 on 12018.65 SON 100 kW / 177 deg to SEAs Indonesian
2330-2358 on 12018.65 SON 100 kW / 177 deg to SEAs English*Additional
transmission of Voice Vietnam from September 7:*
1430-1458 on 7280.00 SON 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu Russian
1430-1458 on 9730.00 SON 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu Russian
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