KOREA REP OF KBS World Kimjae 13-14 UT,nothing observed in North America this Sept 13
in Edmonton, nor at MI, NY and MA Perseus'
on both channels 15575; nor 9570 kHz.- - - -
B U T at same time at 13.30 UT15575 kHz Ampegon fine TX and new antenna gear
in Europe noted the KBS English pop music program as like:
S=9+5dB here in southern Germany / Lake de Constance
S=8-9 at Mauno's place in Finland,
S=8 in eastern Austria and at Italy-Adria coastline
S=8-9 or -78dBm in LIverpool, England.S=6 only in New Delhi India sidelobe.
S=7 -81 dBm in Tokyo (nighttime, short skip distance in 19mb)
73 wb df5sx
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andy Reid" <awradio22@gmail.com>
To: <WOR@groups.io>
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2020 2:58 PM
Subject: [WOR] KBS and VoK
Once again as fall approaches, KBS is no longer audible on 15575 13UT and
yet Voice of Korea is putting in a fine signal on 11710 (9435 a little
weaker). One would think South Korea, the makers of cars, appliances and
many other things could figure it out_
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