TAJIKISTAN Aug 31 at 13.30 UT, Voice of Tibet.
9876 kHz VoT towards central China ? 70 degr?, S=9+25 -52dBm.But much stronger towards Tibet / Himalaya on
9894 kHz VoT 131degr S=9+40dB or -35dBm strength,
and intermodulation from Yangi Yul on upper sideband
9912 kHz S=9+25 -52dBm.
18 kHz apart distance intermodulation mix 9876 / 9894 kHz.13.35:50 UT start of 9884 kHz,
and intermodulation mix 9864/9884 kHz
20 kHz away on 9904 kHz,
but n o t on lower flank 9844 kHz !13.36-13.45 UT 9864 kHz S=9+20 -52dBm.
13.44:10 UT 9894 kHz S=9+40dB -36dBm
intermodulation mix 9864/9894 kHz
30 kHz away on 9924 kHz !13.49 UT on 9864 and 9894 kHz.
13.58 UT 9894 kHz TX OFF !,
two minutes earlier than 9864 kHz at 14 UT.73 wb
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