August 3, 2020 (Times in UTC)
Rx: KiwiSDR (São Bernardo do Campo SP) + PA0RDT Mini Whip Antenna
ARGENTINA: 670 kHz Radio Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Spanish, 31/07 0945. Male communication, 'Camara de Mar del Plata', advs 'Shopping', News. 35543 (RG).
BRAZIL: 770 kHz Radio Cultura, Lavras MG, 31/07 0950. Brazilian song, male communication, Advs 'Lavras e região'. 25442 (RG).
BRAZIL: 770 kHz Radio Mix, Limeira SP, 31/07 0955. 'Bom dia, Mix'. Advs Bairro Boa Vista, id 'Esta é a Radio Mix, a radio da informação'. 35543 (RG).
BRAZIL: 850 kHz Radio Clube, Rio Claro SP, 31/07 1001. Id 'ZYK644 Radio Clube de Rio Claro'. Advs. 34553 (RG).
BRAZIL: 970 kHz Radio Piratininga, São João da Boa Vista SP, 31/07 1007. 'Você ouve, o Jornal da Manhã, ... São João da Boa Vista'. 23522 (RG).
BRAZIL: 990 kHz Radio Cultura Regional, Dois Córregos SP, 31/07 1012. Advs from Dois Córregos, 'Jornal das Sete, pela Cultura'. Weather report. 24532 (RG).
BRAZIL: 990 kHz Radio Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 31/07 1018. 'A sua melhor companhia, Radio Contemporânea'. 34533 (RG). Better reception in LSB mode, a QRM from 1000 kHz Radio Record, São Paulo.
- Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese language.
GERMANY: 9800 kHz Adventist World Radio, via Nauen, Pidgin, 30/07 2115. Christian song, mention to AWR, Nigeria, message by male voice. 35553 (RG). Tx w/180° Az, to Nigeria.
GUINEA: 9650 kHz Radio Guinée, Conakry, French, 30/07 2056. Talk by male voice. 'Radio Guinée'. 24332(RG). Regional tx.
JAPAN: 9480 kHz NHK World Radio Japan, Ibaragi-Koga, Japanese, 30/07 2051. Communication in Japanese by male and female voices. 25432 (RG). Tx w/175° Az, to Eastern Australia.
MADAGASCAR: 9765 kHz World Christian Broadcasting KNLS, via Mahajanga, Portuguese, 30/07 2105. Portuguese communication, 'Palavra Alegre'. 45554 (RG). Tx w/265° Az, to Brazil.
SPAIN: 9690 kHz Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas, Spanish, 30/07 2059. Sport News, Radio Exterior de España. 35543 (RG). Tx w/290° Az, to North America & Canada.
TURKEY: 9460 kHz Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Turkish, 30/07 2045. Male voice communication, song in Turkish by female voice. 35543 (RG). Tx w/310° Az, to Europe.
(RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) & Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL
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