Hard-Core-DX.com: LRA 36 news

LRA 36 news

Tuesday, July 28 2020

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

From the second Saturday of August, LRA 36 probably will be on air every
Saturday, 15476 USB mode, repeating the Wednesday's program "Corazón
Antártico". It has to be decided if it will be on air the two hours of
the show "Corazón Antártico", or 24 hours, with the show and music, like
the last USB transmission.

On Wednesday, July 29, there will be no program, like the past July 15
and 22, due to announcer's holiday. Next "Corazón Antártico" program
will be on air on Wednesday August 5.

The staff of LRA 36 are replying all the reception report received. It
will take them several days to answer all of them.

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