** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98-CUSB, Sat July 25 at 1636 tune-in via Brasil
SDR, another LRA36 special is already early on the air again,
asserting ``este es el ritmo de mi tierra``, but I seriously doubt it
be genuine traditional Antarctican music. Manuel Méndez, Spain was
hearing it already at 1624. Music with occasional IDs, such as 1650
plugging the regular Wednesday broadcast.
1700 officially starting the special, ID in Spanish, says English will
be included. 1703 mentions using rhombic antenna but nothing about its
heading, surely not due south. 1708 music; 1710 chat with Adrián
Korol, head of RAE in Bs. As. BUT 1715 dumps off the air. I keep
listening hopefully to the noise. 1738 back on discussing pandemia
problems; 1743 ID as special RAE produxion for LRA36, and playing old
``cortina`` = theme for DX program. 1749 I think they say this is
running only 1 kW, and e-mail address. 1750 ``llegando al final`` of
the RAE/RNASG special between Korol and Fernando Farías, host of both
the Spanish and English RAE Argentina To The World programs, and
English to follow; music. 1756 plug again `Corazón Antártico`
Wednesday show; more music past 1804 and no English yet. 1806 another
C.A. plug, more songs.
1822, English segment finally starts, by Fernando Farías intro as on
15476-USB, excited to be doing this 30-minute special on RAE sister
station LRA36; 1826 e-mail address; plus Arnaldo Slaen`s classic DX
segment, formerly done by Gabriel Iván Barrera; song about Juana Jujuy
who in the war for independence was promoted to general, which serves
as background music to the DX segment, 1834 outro as sung by the late
Mercedes Sosa. 1835 that RAE broadcasts in 8 languages, on website,
YouTube (but no mention now of WRMI); QSLRAE@gmailcom but not for
this. Rating S4-S5 on the KiwiSDR but quite readable. All the language
announcers are not in the studio, an historic building locked down,
but working from home. Email for this: tranalra36@radionacional.com.ar
--- glad he spelt trana to be sure.
Since Antarctica is free of coronavirus, School #38 for Esperanza kids
is still open, the only Argentine one. 1845 plays Waldo de los Rios
song for DXers; it was RAE ATTW opening theme for many years. 1849
program is available on Radio Nacional website. 8-language service is
only weekly due to CV and aired M-F. 1850 coming to the end of this
special. Now mentions RAE being on Miami Radio International, 5800
(but will this Antarctic show air there too?). 1852, thanks to
everybody at Esperanza Base; 1854, ``all the best, ciao``. And more
and more songs past 1942, few announcements but something unreadable
at 1908 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHINA. CNR1 jammer survey July 25 from 1322; many JBA but a few
sufficiently audible: none higher than: 13530; 13020; 12870 S5-S8
choppy; 12820; 12795 best S7-S9 also choppy; 12550 S3-S5; 12500 JBAC
but with 2-way SSB QRM offset; 12190; 11460; 11440; 11150; 11120;
11100; 11070; 10960; 10920; 10870; none in the lower 9s (Glenn Hauser,
** KOREA SOUTH. 9100, this week`s jumparound frequency, July 25 at
1342, Echo of Hope, S5-S7 in OM Amerenglish news about conflict along
the Turko-Syria border involving the PKK; alternating with YL in
Korean; presumably olds as language lesson (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY. 9830, July 24 at 2157, VOT already in programming, not just
IS & ID prélude, English about Turkey, maybe opening schedule. VP
signal seems slightly offset+plus; as always I have to cope with a
local birdie, but at least no NSS RTTY QRM today. By 2200 is off? Or
break or weakening. No, by 2207 I`m on UTwente instead with a good
signal, AM synch readout as 9830.021v, and annoying squeal in the
modulation which seems always to infect it now. This early it`s not
the news but some historical feature, 2208 outro as `This Day in
History`, and on to next unID feature. So it seems they are running
several minutes fast/early; clock-on-the-wall needs resetting? 2230
and 2251 chex, still squealing with music; I thought they might be
signing off early too, but now back in synch, 2255 YL sign off falsely
claiming this has been the 1230 broadcast on 15450, 2256 IS and one
German ID, but cut off at 2257:20* before spurious German hour can
commence today. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler, awry at
Ankara (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 28289.3-CW, July 25 at 1504, only beacon making it, barely,
is WJ5O/B, i.e. proprietor of the beacon reference himself:
``28.2893 WJ5O C TROY ALABAMA # 2W VERTICAL New Frequency 25 Jan 14``
DXMaps.com, run by a ham in Spain, shows some North American sporadic
E MUFs occasionally spiking above 88 MHz, typically not worth
attempting FMDXing here (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2044 monitoring: confirmed first
WRMI broadcast, Friday July 24 at 2200 on WRMI, 9955, poor S6-S8 here
but no jamming; only fair at TWR Bonaire SDR.
Also confirmed UT Sat July 25 at 0130 on WRMIs trimulcast: after 0129
double ID on 7780, VP and equally VP on 5010, but VG S9+20/30 on 5850
aimed thisaway; Remotes checked circa 0135: 5010 VG at Bonaire; 7780
unusually VP at UTwente but VG at Maine.
Also confirmed Sat July 25 at 1305 the 1300 on WRMI 15770, JBA here to
the NW like 7780 at night, but presumably much better to the NE.
Has anyone found any of our 2044 podcasts cutting off after 20
minutes? We`ve had a complaint that this one does, also confirmed by
my non-Canadian check:
Our podcast manager, Keith Weston has just replied:
``Glenn, Thanks for being in touch. I’ve fixed the file so that it
should play back appropriate. It may take iTunes/Apple a day or so to
become aware of the change. And, yes, it’s listed at Apple Podcast,
and it`s replicated at dozens if not thousands of services that use
Apple or Google as templates for their own feeds. It’s in the wild, as
they say. Best, - Keith Weston https://keithweston.com`` Next:
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400]
0300 UT Sunday WRMI 5800 to SSE
0700 UT Sunday Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 or 6160v to WSW
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
0900 UT Monday Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB
1800vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Thanks this week for financial support from Richard Langley,
Fredericton NB, for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at
yahoo.com -- not necessarily in US funds as they will convert
One may also contribute via MO or check in US funds on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. Area 51 and WBCQ 7490 webcasts, UT Sat July 25 at 0001 both
playing William Tell Overture theme to AAAWWW. Angela is tropically
dressed tonight, but they are back in Maine where air conditioning is
not really necessary, since the AC in the studio broke years ago; they
do have a fan? to cool the equipment. Angela does not like AC anyway
as unhealthy.
Allan soon answers my question about why WBCQ-6 is missing from 9330
so much: has been off 6-7 hours in the daytime while riggers and crew
have been working to replace supports for transmission lines; in
winter winds they had been too loose allowing the lines to short out.
Checking Rochester remote, 6160 & 5130 also on now but not
synchronized. 0058 recheck, in benedixion, and 7490 on to Hal Turner
precisely joined at 0100.
It seemed other frequencies were not on earlier during 23 UT hour, but
checked direct at 0101, 6160- and 7490+ about equally good levels with
HT while 5130 is in sign-off classical music I am trying to remember
what it be. However, at 0104, 5130 joins HT, also // 9455 WRMI. But
0134 recheck, 5130 is off.
9330, July 25 at 1341 is off again, but had been on at night (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 17775-, Sat July 25 after 1500, JBA carrier? from KVOH here;
1541 checking TWR remotes in Bonaire and noisy DR, definitely JBA
carriers, so seems that `Wavescan` at 1500 was going nowhere, even if
were modulating unlike yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 1090, July 26 at 0600 UT, KAAY Little Rock ID as a Cumulus
station but again no dead air, just filling with a PSA string; nulling
it hears somethings but can`t tell if XEAU, and nothing in Chinese,
but heads up on the WOR iog:
``Glenn, for your monitoring of activity on 1090: If you hear Chinese
programming, it would be coming from KULF in Bellville, Texas,
targeting the Houston market. Although a daytimer, it has been
recently noted operating at night, though I haven't checked the past
few days. Directional pattern towards the Gulf, but some RF may escape
elsewhere. The Chinese programming has been said to originate with
some CRI related entity, but I have been unable to verify this.
Stephen Luce, Houston, Texas`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. Correct date for the JBA TP MW carrier search at
1122-1130 was July 24, not 23 (gh)
UNIDENTIFIED. 12543-USB, July 25 at 1328, 2-way in Spanish, OM
mentions puta and much weaker answeress sounds feminine (Glenn Hauser,
This report dispatched at 1942 UT July 25
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