9+420 CNR13 1510 with nice signal at -70/115dbm 9425 VoK is also with -90dbm
9380 AIR with just -87/115dbm is just heard
9990 korean with talks only -85/120 with fast fades to -100 dbm
9965 CNR 1611 mixed with poss RFA Tibetan with -74/i15 signal
9920 RLiberty Uzbek 1614 with -73/120 signal moistly talks . partial talks in Russian
9480 CNR? 1644 OM talking enthusiastically and tearing or laughing in between music and drums sounds possibly a jammer -60/120dbm
9540 religious talks 1648 in seeming as Amharic mentioning Jesus -70/120dbm
4405 TAH OM 1818 with meteo talks in Turkish -65dbm external repot on 1819
`Exotic' logs from Forster Kiwi SDr in Australia The Sdr has a att mode for MW
Xband short timed logs:
1701 a Hindi station s5/-94dbm 1702
1691 Greek station with song S3
1683 Greek station with song S3
1674 Hindi radio with possible ID Anada radio ad S3
1665 geek radio ? S3
1638 in English seems religious as ToM and in // 1620 and 1610
3325 RRIndoenesia 1721 with 80s pop songs and a Hawaiian kind S7/3
3945 Vanuatu with a Malagasy kind of music then with pop songs 1712 S9/3 Alson 7890 harmonic with S5/3 signal is between -70 and -90 dbm
4810 AIR 1723 with discussion in Hindi S5/3
4146 ZLM Taupo Maritime with meteo talks S7 /3
5010 very possible Malagasy radio due to the music kind on 1810 tested in India and Vietnam no signal but only on TWR S Africa being in parallel .laso talk was not Hindi !
Zacharias LiangasRSP1a with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena
Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios (all pages)
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