4960VoA STP wih program in English , news -71/115dbm
6155AWR in French ID 0439 with address -83/115dbm
6155R Austria in German . talks about a Russian blogger Lukashenko (?) reffering to candidates ,30000 Eu -55/120dbm with 2x5.3 kHZ audio
6180 RRom Intl 0438 'I go my mind set on you' songfrom George Harrison , talk in Romanian -50/115db ON 0529 with VoA signal on -80and s/on with program in French
7295Algerie via Issodun with chants , heard with underground pulse tones
7345 BBC S Africa , 0533 abut Covid 19 epicfailure
9370Farda 0429 a nice song 0430 Clocks then ID as radio Farda -61/110 dbm
9420ERA is just -75/-90dbm and vacant (seems un-modulated ) The bans seems having variablenoise between -120 and 105dbm . -72 on 0536 with content that is nearlyunheraing – news in Greek- again 0600with only music and up to -65dbm signal ID as VoG on 0606
9440BBC Hausa 0538 with talks mentioning countries of Africa -65/105dbm
9490NHK 0433 tals in Japanese -50/-120dbm
9825 WHRI talk in English 0444 YL talkingHalleluyah . Signla level -85dbm
11680VoHope 0457 with talks 0501 with light music R Christian voice Lusaka
11860 Yemeni ID Idatu jumhuriya ke … Yemen0542 then with Arabic song -85/125dbm
KiwiS Africa ZR6aic : (no local reception )
6135RN Malagasy 0505 , talks by YL in ML then hilife songs and 0825 the ‘one lastdance for me’ in a hawaian like vesrion -75/90dbm
5995 Zambia ZBC1 with news in English aboutCovid19 and economic, temps on 0814 and adverts S9 -66/90
6080 VoA STP , news , ID 0517 -65dbmwhile
Zacharias LiangasRSP1a with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena
Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios (all pages)
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