Hard-Core-DX.com: SWB issue 1954 now available for download

SWB issue 1954 now available for download

Sunday, July 12 2020

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- Station news
- Keeping AM radio alive
- NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/>
- Sad news - Dallas Lankford has passed away
[WOR] Listening Post and Listening Review: June 2020
WOR] Kerosene Powered Radio Receiver
RADIO FUN, interesting magazine
Maps 1937, RUS-DX
Exactly 60 years ago, the famous Speedola was released. Anniversary, however
Retro technique RUS-DX
The first Soviet, transistor, stationary radio, RUS-DX
E-639, Telefunken E 104 Kw/8, Telefunken, Ulm, Army Radio.ch
WHAT IS 5G & WHY ARE PEOPLE SO SCARED OF IT? Radio HF Internet Newsletter
Reviews - HARPER radios in 2020, RUS-DX
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1954.pdf

