Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs June 8-9, 2020

Glenn Hauser logs June 8-9, 2020

Tuesday, June 09 2020

** ALGERIA [non]. 9620, June 9 at 0602, RTA relay via FRANCE is
starting with tweeting on own audio, self-imposed beep QRM as the
defective ISS transmitter is now here; plus my own local bubbling from
some device, quite a combination vs Arabic song (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CHINA [and non]. CNR1 jammer survey, June 9, starting at 1351. Some
of these are JBA carriers, so presumed, the stronger ones with
metereadings, all in Chinese, no Firedragon heard; most against Sound
of Hope, some USAGM:

13920 S6-S9; 13835; 13530 JBAC; 13160 JBAC; 13150; 12880 S5-S7; 12870
S5-S7; (12350? = 13740 Cuba minus 1390 KCRC local mix); 12190.

By now it`s 1357 with time running out this hour; skipping past any
25m in-band: 11460 S9-S7; 11170; 11150; 11100; 10920.

At 1417: 10820; 10960; 11070; 11100 S3-S6, 11440 S9-S6; 11460 S6-S9;
12190 JBAC; 12210 S5-S8; 12500 S6-S9; 12800 JBAC; 12820 JBAC; 12880
S6-S4. At 1423: 13020 S9/+10!; 14850 JBAC; 14920 JBAC.

At 1428: 15110 S8/S9+10 vs VOA Philippines, but no sign of it, just
this CNR1 // 13020. Scanned up thru entire 16 & 17 MHz band but none
more until:

At 1430: 17690, JBA but // 13020.

I seldom check after 1500 but I do today tuning down from 17690 which
is now off: at 1505, none higher than: 11440, 11100, 11070 (and two
JBA local mixes: 10770 = 12160 WWCR minus 1390 KCRC; 10490 = 11880 CRI
Cuba minus 1390 KCRC).

So there you have a fraxion of the hyper-paranoid ChiCom attempt to
block any dissent (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** FRANCE [and non]. 9805, June 9 at 0604, something is here under
heavy Cuban jamming, certainly not Radio Martí. It`s RFI in Hausa at
0600-0630! Yet another station which doesn`t have the sense to avoid
any frequency ever jammed by Cuba, at any time, any year. EiBi shows
one other daring to employ 9805, KBS World Radio four hours a day, one
of them axually overlapping RM at 10-11. See also ALGERIA [non] (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Since I no longer have a regular DXLD sexion
UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS, I can`t resist quoting this nice response,
especially since some other guy brickbats me and wants me banned from
some list: (gh)

``Glenn, I always enjoy your detailed reports, writing style, and
commentary! This time, I particularly liked your discussion of

“** U S A. 1270, June 2 at 2014 UT, in full daytime conditions, KRXO
Claremore (Tulsa) OK silly sports talk at 5 kW with heavy SAH of
exactly 1 Hz from another groundwaver.”

Lotta good DX tech & thinking in that, good science and detective
work, plus I so agree with your assessment of “stupid sportstalk”
programming. It’s why I cannot sit on any station for more than a few
minutes these days, except the rare ones that run music. Can’t stand
the mindless talk of any flavor. // Thanks again for your
informative/entertaining reports, always a good read! – 73s de Fred in
Waynesburg, PA (with a wonderful ICOM 7300 I seldom get to use)``
Schroyer, IRCA iog. Tnx, Fred! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 9830, June 9 at 2228, VOT English to us is on, but JBM if
not dead air. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler. No RTTY QRM,
anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 13565-CW, June 9 at 1424, K6FRC beacon in Patterson CA is
JBA vs CODAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2037 monitoring: confirmed Monday
June 8 at 1801 on IRRS 7290 via BULGARIA. Recorded off UTwente SDR and
spotchecked later, apparently intact for the next 29 minutes.

I start setting up recording at 1702 when Iran`s Russian service from
1650 is running --- and I am already hearing the ``RTTY``-- like
warble underneath, so that sound is NOT coming out of IRRS as I
previously thought, but what? Is it an artifact at UTwente; or
somesignal on 7290 at broader hours? I have not compared to what
happen via other SDRs. BTW, Iran`s Russian hour on 7290 is somehow
missing from Aoki/NDXC, but correctly in EiBi.

[24 hours later, June 9 at 1750 during the break, I am trying other
SDRs, such as Bucharest, and after a VG signal from Iran, there is
definitely high-speed RTTY or something on 7291! What`s it doing in
the broadcast band? Intruder! And there is now a weaker unID 7290
broadcast signal with songs, which unseems either VIRI or IRRS; only
other 7290 scheduled is CNR1 Beijing site until 1805, Via UTwente,
it`s JBA under IRRS open carrier before it modulate at 1759. Back to
Bucharest, the unID has a 5+1 China-style timesignal at ToH. Talk
resumes and it does seem to stop at 1805. IRRS is sufficient at
Bucharest but much stronger at UTwente; `Wavescan` after 1830 Tue.]

Now back to June 8: My recording starts at 1750 when the VIRI IS is
briefly heard, and off*, this week in plenty of time before IRRS. The
warble is still heard with neither station in the break. After a few
minutes of open carrier, circa 1759, IRRS feed cuts on during a song;
soon ``From south of the Alps in northern Italy, you are tuned in to I
double-R S shortwave, address P O Box 10980 in N-20110 MILL-ah-noh,
Italy`` and phone number; right into FSN Washington quick headlines
before WOR.

Also confirmed UT Tue June 9 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, VG at Utwente, weak
ute ACI from 7784 evitable; direct check at 0129, S9 with different
co-channel uteblaaps on and off. Next:

2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Thanks this week for financial support from Tom Goodfellow,
Palm Desert CA, who sent a generous contribution via PayPal to
woradio at yahoo.com
PayPal not necessarily in US funds as they will convert.
One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a
US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11000-USB, June 9 at 1359, 2-way in English, military?
``stand by``; ``loud & clear``; noticed while bandscanning for CNR1
jammers. UDXF iog has some 2019y logs of Algerian Air Force; I don`t
think so, now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11130-11155, June 9 at 1358, local scratch-noise peak
blob around here during CNR1 jammer bandscan; others in the 10s as
usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 1855 UT June 9
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