3479.987 VoP 14.10 UT S=9+30dB
3909.965 VoP May 29 14.00 UT S=9+35dB
3925.002 VoP 14.08 S=9+35dB
3985.013 EoH 14.12 UT S=9+30dB
4450.001 VoP 14.14 UT S=9+30dB
4880.003 EoH 14.15 UT S=9+25dB NOT JAMMED !
5920even VoF ? 14.16 UT S=9+55 db Superpower
5995.030 EoH 14.17 UT S=9+40dB heavy jammed !
6015even KBS 14.18 UT S=9+40dB heavy jammed !
6135 nothing Korean specials observed here on that channel.
6245even EoH 14.19 UT S=9+30dB heavy jammed !
6251.2 heavy jamming broadband against whom ? S=9+35dB
6350.033 EoH 14.22 UT S=9+40dB
6519.972 VoP 14.24 UT S=9+20dB
6600even VoP 14.30 UT S=9+20dB
9094.997 VoH 14.32 UT S=9+15dB not jammed, excellent audio.73 wb
May 25 (Monday) frequencies:
Voice of the People: 3480 3910 3930 kHz
(seems to not be using 3925 kHz anymore, due to Japan being there)
4450 6520 6600 kHz, at 1010 UT.Echo of Hope - VOH: 3985 4880 5995 6245 6350 9095, at
1007.Voice of Freedom: 5920 kHz, fair-poor, due to OTH radar (no North Korea
jamming), at 1013 UT; 6135 kHz is no longer jammed by North Korea
(Brazil heard on 6135.1 kHz)!
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct / wor May 25)_
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