Hard-Core-DX.com: Zambia NBC, Radio 1 on 5995 instead of 5915 kHz today

Zambia NBC, Radio 1 on 5995 instead of 5915 kHz today

Wednesday, May 06 2020

Zambia, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, after days inactive on its usual frequency,
5915 kHz, today on air on 5995 kHz, heard via TWR SDR Kiwi remote receiver in
Johannesburg,  South Africa, 0505-0608, 06-05, news in English,
identification "Radio 1", "Zambia Broadcasting Corporation", African songs,
Vernacular comments, mentioned "Coronavirus, Zambia". Also checked with ZBC
website online Radio 1 program, 5995 kHz and online program matches 100%.

Here in Lugo, north west of Spain, eclipsed by Radio Mali, Bamako on the
same frequency. Radio Mali, 5995 kHz, opened today, 0605, earlier than other
days, at 0453 on air with African songs and identifications: "Radio Mali",
"Radio Mali ... FM". Fair to good signal

If Zambia changes its frequency from 5915 to 5995 kHz, it will be very
difficult to heard it here in Europe because in the early morning, late
afternoon and night Radio Mali is on air on the same 5995 kHz frequency.

Audio of ZBC Radio 1 on 5995 via TWR SDR Kiwi remote receiver in
Johannesburg, South Africa, 0511-0523 UTC, 06-05:


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

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