Hard-Core-DX.com: Wolfgang Bueschel: RHC observations

Wolfgang Bueschel: RHC observations

Saturday, May 02 2020

Every day new RHC irritations.

In South America target 11800 kHz RHC Quivican is not much disturbed by
Romania signal.

11880 kHz to Africa not heard now tonight -
but now back again on 7380 kHz in 41 mb,
latter also again in 41 mb last night May 1 / 2 !

And after RNE Noblejas Spain closes 11670 kHz,
now - last night May 1st -
from ?23UT RHC is /still/back/ on 11670 kHz
til the 04? UT end that channel in morning ?
Nothing on 11700 kHz last night.

23-24 UT was not 11700 kHz - but 13740 kHz on April 30,
130 degrees curtain to South America.

No EXCEL fq file schedule of RHC received
from Arnaldo yet - this A-20 season.

73 wb

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