Hard-Core-DX.com: Monitoring log on 26/4

Monitoring log on 26/4

Thursday, April 30 2020


15730 VOA 1417 an interview in Tibetan -62dbm with signal around 9 kHz wide
6250& 6600 Voce of people with 2049 are heard quite well above the N Korean jammer that sometimes is negligible -98dbm
6295 poss reflections Europe 1944 with religious program  and choirs -100/-140dbm signal with 2x3.5 kHz filter
9398 center of  Kontayner OTHR  carrier with -78dbm
9460 VoTurjkey a discussion between two women in Turkish 1910 &  1917 Signal  -55 mixed a digital signal or seems as like that and strong buzzer [image ]

9810 IRIB in Bangla with talks on corona virus referring to Bangladesh . Trevly audio with poor modulation and -55 dbm max
9820  CRNr 2 Business radio 1427 an American rock song 1429 adverts with Qiangsu . ID on 1430 as Business Radio then again wit adverts and discussions between OM and YL Good at -500dbm with a bandwidth of 20!! kHZ
9900 CNR on 1424 with talks . The signal has a quite ‘fat’ buzzer otherwise it is a CIS30 or higher multi carrier model  underneath ! [image ]



Zacharias LiangasRSP1a  with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena
Icom  R75 /PL380 /  De1103  radios
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