Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs April 25, 28-29, 2020

Glenn Hauser logs April 25, 28-29, 2020

Wednesday, April 29 2020

On Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 01:30:04 PM GMT, Wolfgang Bueschel <dg1sbn@t-online.de> wrote:

Surprise, surprise, RHC on 7350 kHz.

CUBA RHC Spanish now on 7350.001 kHz from Bejucal site.
But not at 11.00 UT check, nor at 11.12 UT,
noticed this channel later after 12 UTC. 12.05-12.15 UT noted
on S=9+25dB in Edmonton Alberta Canada remote Perseus installation.

gh: supposed to be on 7340, so change or error?

Noticed also in 22 mb RHC now - VERY SURPRISING -
not on A-season 13780 kHz channel, but on 13740 kHz again,
broadband 20 kHz wideband audio !
co-channel and - latter - covered as always since years by
TDF RFI Issoudun France in northern summer A-seasons.

gh: also 13740 here todaym gia== before 1400 -- they can`t decide whether to use 13780 or 13740. Not surprising; I have reported this a few times before.

On 25 and 22 mb also noted some scratching audio signals
annoying in ranges
CODAR transmissions
11857 to 11865 kHz and
11926 to 11933 kHz at 11.21 UT,
13424 to 13477 kHz at 12.52 UT

gh: the first two are extra Cuban jamming markers beyond Marti hours on 11860, 11930, surely not CODAR. Slow swish-swish pulsing sound of CODAR is quite different from Cuban jamming pulses.

Also - I guess - 13603 to 13609 kHz - some scratch audio
? intermodulation appears from Bejucal Cuba site ?
Low -104dBm on threshold level in eastern US states,
but stronger noted in western Canada at Edmonton remote SDR site.

gh: Ditto, jamming against no-Marti-yet on 13605

Othe scratches of audio intermodulation mix of UNKNOWN txion center at 13.03
UT on 13571, 13682, and 13820 kHz.

gh: 13571 maybe spurblob out of 13700, I had later on different ranges.
13820 yet more residual pulse jamming against an unoccupied Marti frequency this season.
The incompetence, hostility, carelessness, and wastefulness of the Cubans is boundless.

73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX"Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 25, 28-29, 2020

> CUBA. 13502, 13568, 13634; 13766, 13832, 13897 approx., April 28 at
> 1418, extremely distorted spurblobs out of S9+30 13700-AM of RHC. The
> inner pair are much stronger than the rest at intervals of about 66
> kHz; more readable in AM than FM mode which also bears the earmark F#
> tone above Cmiddle. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK,
> WOR)
> CUBA. 11980, April 29 at 0020, CRI relay in stilted Spanish,
> S8/S9+10 which could be mistaken for a fundamental instead of the
> second harmonic of 5990 which is S9+10/30; also on non-harmonic weaker
> // 15120. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. Both fundamentals are
> Quivicán per Aoki/NDXC but fails to acknowledge the existence of
> 11980. Nor does Eibi, but ``harm`` 12000 for RHC, and the Vanuatus,
> nothing else despite what I and others may hear. Aoki does not even
> include the widely-reported Vanuatu multiples of 3945.
> I find it perplexing how some DX sources are so reluctant to publish
> harmonix and other monitored spurs. Sesquidecades ago I had a column
> in NASWA FRENDX, `Hunting Harmonics with Hauser`, and got the
> impression that some `DXperts` were reluctant to admit that they
> really exist, that I was not imagining them, or suffering from
> receiver-produced images (which can also happen, but, know how to tell
> the difference!) (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
> ** CUBA. 6000 & 6145, UT Wed April 29 at 0030, at tune-in the mit-week
> edition of RHC `DXers Unlimited` is just starting right at the
> midpoint of its widely variable timing during each English hour ---
> assuming that started on time, not always the case. First topix are
> the sporadic-E season about to start (meaning on VHF, it already did,
> April 13/15, and before that on HF); and sunspot signs of two solar
> cycles at once --- but reception is so poor on the only two
> frequencies, due to heavy storms in central and NE Oklahoma, and
> undermodulated/weak signals, that I give up.
> Why, in the noisy, insolated summer, are all RHC English eggs in one 6
> MHz basket after 00 UT, plus even lower 5 MHz, not always, after 05
> UT? Makes one wonder how well frequency manager Arnie really
> understand propagation. I would not call him a ``self-styled expert``
> as he once honored me. Something`s always wrong at RHC, and this is
> just another thing, self-defeating its anti-American propaganda ---
> so, way to go! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

> this report dispatched at 0333 UT April 29

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