Hard-Core-DX.com: �tf-8?q?Radio Educación, 6185, new schedule �tf-8?q? (2200-1000)

�tf-8?q?Radio Educación, 6185, new schedule �tf-8?q? (2200-1000)

Tuesday, April 21 2020

Radio Educación, 6185, has changed  its schedule again, as inform me
Julian Santiago Díez de Bonilla, from Ciudad de México, new schedule: from 2200
to 1000 UTC, instead of 2000-0800.  This station, in my opinion, have
problems with the transmitter, past days strong carrier but very weak audio,
some times barely audible or inaudible, today improve signal.
Today, 21-04
heard here in Lugo, 0456-0640,  strong carrier, very weak audio, comments
and songs in Spanish. QRM from VoA on 6180 from 0500 to 0630.
Heard via SDR
Kiwi remote receiver in Brownsville, Texas, 0901-1000, 21-04, Mexican songs, id.
at 0916: "Señal 1060 AM, 100.000 watts de potencia, Radio Educación, la señal
cutural de México".  At times fair and clear signal, but at times very
weak, barely audible.


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

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