Hard-Core-DX.com: morning log Sunday. NOW Monday log at 22.00 - 23.00 UT in Cape Canaveral, Florida state US NoAM

morning log Sunday. NOW Monday log at 22.00 - 23.00 UT in Cape Canaveral, Florida state US NoAM

Tuesday, April 07 2020

_6180.013 BRA R Nac do Brasilia BrasPort S=9+15 talk at 22.05 UT

11780.008 BRA - same S=9+20dB signal at 22.25 UT
6184.973 MEX weak and tiny reserve tx unit XEPPM MC S=4 poor -96dBm
under threshold signal level, talk at 22.22 UT.
6069.983 CAN CFRX Toronto is real on air , at 22.23 UT.

Grayline at this time across New Foundland - Antigua - Antilles

11669.994 ESP Suprisingly strong three Radio Nacional de Espagnola ID
giving on air in 25 mb, S=8-9 talk, phone-in, 22.26 UT
and also
11940even S=9+20dB at 22.28 UT, 10 kHz wideband signal.
12030even S=9+15dB, 11.2 kHz wideband too.

11700even CUB RHC likely 250 kW Quivican, Portuguese? S=8, 22.28 UT
11760even CUB RHC Spanish, with the all-Caribbean fountain antenna
from Bauta bcast center site, S=9+25dB at 22.30 UT
11880even CUB RHC in likely Portugese, NOT ENGLISH. S=9, 22.37 UT
15370even CUB RHC flute mx played, S=7-8 at 22.53 UT
and the other 19 mbander

15770even USA WRMI Okeechobee with TOM BS roarer at 22.55 UT S=7-8

11820.044 ARS BSKSA Riyadh HQ prayer sung, S=9 at 22.32 UT in Florida
11850even CUB RHC Spanish at S=7, short distance poor, 22.33 UT
11856.200 BRA R Aparecida, BrasPort, poor+tiny S=5 at 22.34 UT
11815.025 BRA R Brasil Central?, poorness S=4 at 22.35 UT.

9350even USA probably? WWCR TOM BS sermon, S=8 at 22.40 UT.
9420.003 GRC Elliniki Radio from Avlis, S=9+15dB, but some spur
scratch noise from Cuban jamming somewhere hit in 31 mb ?

22.42 UT on April 06.
9535even CUB RHC in Spanish nice more than fair S=9+35dB ! signal
surprisingly strong Bejucal signal towards Central America
westwards to Spanish MEX-GTM-CTR-Panama azimuth
9640.002 CUB RHC Spanish towards Antilles Suriname, S=9+5dB 22.44 UT

9830.006 TUR VoTurkey in English from Emirler at 22.15 UT S=9+15dB
folk mx heard, and two 100 Hertz strings apart visible to add
7275.004 midst in NoAmerican amateur radio section, 22.49 UT
IRN VoIRIB Hausa night service across Sahel towards West
African coast target azimuth. S=9+15dB in Florida remotedly
7310even ROU Tremendous signal at this hour 22.50 UT, S=9+35dB in
Cape Canaveral FL state. RRI Bucharest English hour, talk of
1944 London history and publisher refugee. much weaker
7325even ROU RRI Tiganesti at S=8 level only.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 6)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"
To: <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>; "wor" <WOR@groups.io>

Sent: Monday, April 06, 2020 1:16 PM
Subject: [HCDX] morning log Sunday April 5, 03.15 to 04.30 UT

Remote SDR rx log of April 5 monitoring in Doha Qatar SDR, KiwiNet Kuwait

5900.003 BUL Tentativelly BVB in Arabic, via SPC-NURTS Spaceline Ltd.
Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site,
S=9+10dB at 03.30 UT in remote Doha Qatar and Kiwi Kuwait SDR's.

{Yes - thanks Ivo in Sofia tip, 5900 kHz BVB schedule:
0200-0215 & 0215-0230 Winter
0300-0315 & 0315-0330 Summer

Bible Voice Broadcasting
0300-0315 5900 SOF 50 kW 126 deg to NE/ME Arabic Dardasha 7
0315-0330 5900 SOF 50 kW 126 deg to NE/ME Arabic Dardasha 7
1931-1946 5900 SOF 50 kW 126 deg to NE/ME Arabic Dardasha 7

Radio Taiwan International
1700-1730 5900 SCB 050 kW 30 deg to EaEUR Russian
1900-1930 5900 SCB 100 kW 306 deg to WeEURu German
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 6) }

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 5 - 6)
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