Hard-Core-DX.com: SWLDXBulgaria News April 5

SWLDXBulgaria News April 5

Sunday, April 05 2020

SWLDXBulgaria News April 5 (publications №23481-№23500)
ARMENIA(non) Reception of Trans World Radio India via CJSC Yerevan on April 5:
1415-1445 on 11590 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Sat/Sun-very
good signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/04/reception-of-trans-world-radio-india_5.html

AUSTRIA(non) Reception of Radio DARC#268 via ORS Moosbrunn on April 5
0900-1000 on 6070 MOS 100 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sun, good

ESWATINI Reception of Trans World Radio Africa on 6100 kHz, April 5:
1700-1730 on 6100 MAN 100 kW / 003 deg to SoAf Yawo, weak/fair signal
Same time on 6100 YAK 100 kW / 125 deg to SoAs Ru Radio AFG-NO

ESWATINI/KOREA SOUTH TWR Africa and KBS World Radio on 9515 kHz April 5:
1745-1824 on 9515*MAN 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAf Swahili Sun - good signal.
* co-ch same 9515 KIM 250 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Korean Dly KBS World

ESWATINI/ROMANIA TWR Africa & Radio Romania International on 9500
kHz, April 5:
1630-1645 on 9500 MAN 100 kW / 013 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo
Tue-Thu/Sun, fair/good
* co-ch same 9500 GAL 300 kW / 292 deg to WeEu French Ra.Romania
Int., fair/goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/04/twr-africa-radio-romania-international.html

ESWATINI/ROMANIA TWR Africa & Radio Romania International on 9500
kHz, April 5:
1802-1902 on 9500 MAN 100 kW / 013 deg to EaAf English Sat/Sun,
weak/fair signal
* co-ch same 9500 GAL 300 kW / 285 deg to WeEu Romanian R.Romania
Int, fair/goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/04/twr-africa-radio-romania-international_5.html

GERMANY(non) Reception of Welle 370 via MBR Moosbrunn on April 5:
0800-0900 on 6140 MOS 100 kW / 270 deg to WeEu German 1st Sun,

GERMANY(non) Adventist World Radio Obiettivo DX#875 via MBR Nauen, April 5
0900-1000 on 9610 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to SoEu Italian Sun, very good

GERMANY(non) Radio Joystick The Charlie Prince Show via MBR Moosbrunn, April 5
1000-1100 on 7330 MOS 100 kW / 283 deg to CeEu German 1st Sun, very
good signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/04/radio-joystick-charlie-prince-show-via.html

GERMANY(non) Reception of Pan American Broadcasting PAB via MBR
Nauen on April 5:
1600-1700 on 11830 NAU 125 kW / 128 deg to N/ME English Sun Tony
Alamo, good signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/04/reception-of-pan-american-broadcasting.html

NEW ZEALAND Updated A-20 of Radio New Zealand Pacific, all 1 hour

PHILIPPINES Fair signal of FEBC Radio/Radio Teos on April 5
1500-1530 on 9920 BOC 100 kW / 323 deg to CeAs Russian Daily
1530-1600 on 9920 BOC 100 kW / 323 deg to CeAs Uk/Ru Sunday.
Wrong time&freq.ann 19-20 MST on 11650, not 18-19 MST on

ROMANIA(non) IRRS EGR/UNR and AWR Wavescan#579 via RADIOCOM Saftica April 5:
0930&1130 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun IRRS EGR/UNR, fair
1100-1130 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun
Wavescan#576, fairhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/04/irrs-egrunr-and-wavescan579-via.html

SAIPAN(non) Frequency change of Radio Free Asia RFA via Agingan Point:
1500-1700 NF 9910 SAI 250 kW / 325 deg to EaAs Korean, ex 9850 to avoid
same time on 9845 BEI 100 kW / 251 deg to EaAs Chinese China

SECRETLAND(non) Brother HySTAIRical TOM in 31/25mb via SPL
Secretbrod, April 5:
1300-1500 on 11600 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Daily, very
good signal &
1400-1500 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 126 deg to N/ME English Sat/Sun, very
good signal
1400-1500 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu Eng/Spa Sun FTIOM was
on March 29https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/04/brother-hystairical-tom-in-3125mb-via.html

SECRETLAND(non) From the Isle of Music via SPL Secretbrod on April 5:
1400-1500 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu Eng/Spa Sun on March 29
1500-1520 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu open carrier / dead air
from 1520 on 9400 SCB 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEu SPL TRANSMITTER OFF AIR
1500-1600 on 11990 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to EaAf R.OMN AGAIN NOT ON AIR!
Something`s always wrong at Secretland SPL Secretbrod transmitting

U.K.(non) Trans World Radio TWR Africa via ENC-DMS Al-Dhabayya, April 5
1300-1315 on 17680 DHA 250 kW / 230 deg to EaAf Afar Thu-Sun, good

USA From the beginning of A-20 NO SIGNAL of WHRI Angel 1 in

USA Reception of Radio For Peace International RFPI via WRMI#9 April 5
1300-1400 on 15770 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu French Sun, weak

VATICAN(non) Vatican Radio Amharic Liturgy in 19mb/16mb on April 5:
0830-0950 on 15595 SMG 250 kW / 113 deg to EaAf Amharic 1st Sun, weak
0830-0950 on 17590 MDC 250 kW / 345 deg to EaAf Amharic 1st Sun, good
From the beginning of A-20 Vatican Radio have a new Interval


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

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