For some reason I thought 1116 Brisbane was ABC, but I guess I’m wrong, I
did NOT check the stream for Commercial talk station 4BC
On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 7:32 AM Paul B. Walker, Jr. <> wrote:
> I could've had a few spits of audio on 1116khz this morning a little bit
> before Laramie sunrise (656am mountain, 1256UTC or it could've been
> imaginary. It didn't seem to match ABC Brisbane from what little I could
> make out. I don't think it was spill over from 1120khz because I had audio
> bandwith paired down to 3khz.
> It seemed like there was a piece of music played then an announcer talked,
> but I can't say anything beyond that.. I can't even say if my imaginary
> audio was english!
> Here's what little audio I was able to recover.. it sounds like some kind
> of musical piece then a male talking but I can't derive anymore details
> than that.
> Audio:
> Paul Walker
> Laramie, WY
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