-as for 20/2 there are 600 cases of effected Civ19 in Greece -58 new- and 13 dead
FYI the Government imposed total traffic lock down we must now present a social doc to the authorities -
4010.223 Kyrgyz radio -60over -110dbm noise cant be heard inall due to very low modulation
7196 a short timed (10s )Kontayner style signal of 5kHZ wide 1526 repeating in around 6 mins
7205 Xinjiang PBS 1527 with talks in Uighur mixed with presume Sudan There was also a mention on internet Adverts on1546 There carriers are around 15 Hz only
Look the photo to understand :
7215 AIR? 1522 with old Hindi song -63 dbm / news in coronavirus info , lessons of Chinese on 1547
7220 CRI Nepali with news /talks 1455 mentioning also emails and station info . -86dbm with fast signal QSB 1457accurate with only carrier
7220 V Viet 1548 with talks in Vietnamese -90dbm with -75dbm in between -65 dbm signal on 7215 CRI Nepali di and 7225 CRI Hindi .VoV seems having poor modulation that causes much effect in its reception
7230 CNR 1 with nice song with violin and YL singer on 1600 Best filter is on 2k5
7240 VoIRI? In Farsi mixing with PBS Xizang . 1557 Xizang is with adverts on 1559 while Iran is only with talks Farsi that pass the 1600 ToH
7255 CRI a theatre like discussion on 1614 between two women and one man ,one women asking him to marry her , two women talking abt a fashion mag. Signal -45dbm 18kHZ wide ‘channel’
7275 KBS 1628 phone in talks in Korean mixed with Chinese station that airs a song
7280 VOV 1624 with dance song -60dbm 1627 with only carrier . 1620 in Vietnam with many mentions . quarantine and about Chine …
7407 steady leveled stanag 4825 with -91dbm QRMed y 7415 CRI -60dbm
7665 CNR jammer mixed with another (RFA )on 1640 20 kHz wide with -63dbm
9250 buzzer once again 2045 with the same signal as on 6250
9835 IRIB in Russian 1656 mentioning countries of the ME plus BLR and diapason [freqs?] 1658 a short
9850 AWR in Iboka new? 1955 with OM talking in this funny language , religious song 21244 lagos Nigeria -68dbm 2x5 kHz wide 1959**
9860 firedrake 1958 against RFA off at 2000
11253 Shannon Volmet meteo talks -85dbm
11635 VoKorea 2016 wih news in Korean -5dbm there is a carrier from the 'wideband fence'
12050 R Ndarason 2009 talk s in Kununura mixes of external talks and ID on 2011 -59dbm mx with 10.8 kHZ wide audio
15580 VoA English , news in simple English , strong selective fading 1438 -75dbm with rather distorted sound
15600 Voa Kurdish , phone-in report 1438 mentioning Kurdistan Rather steady signal at -60dbm
Both stations above have 2x5.1 kHz wide audio.See the photo
15825 WWCR2 just fading in with -95 dbm on 1450z Max signal is -85dbm barely reception over -120 harsh local noise
Zacharias LiangasRSP1a with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena
Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios (all pages)
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