VANUATU 3945 kHz nice sweet music program heard at 09.18 UT.English ID of the island service. Noted on remote worldwide KIWInet
S=9+5dB or -70dBm powerful in New Zealand remote post.
Advts on "Gospel Wire(?)".73 wb
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Howard" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 12:41 AM
Subject: Radio Vanuatu, problem with audio on 2485 kHz.
March 9, noted R. Vanuatu on *3945 kHz*., randomly from 0725, till blocked
by strong R. Nikkei 2 (Japan) starting
at *0950. Long segments of interviews in vernacular; played some Pacific
Islands music; normal audio. Assume
3945 closed down about 1000, but unable to confirm.RV moved down to *2485 kHz*., with transmitter on at *1000, when some
faint audio was heard; rechecking 1037 till off at 1059:46*, had decent
carrier, but virtually no audio; they had lost almost all of their
modulation, unlike my recent very decent March 5 reception which had good
audio. Was able to make out ID (assumed) and clear NA just before
1059:46*, but this was nothing like their normal decent level of
reception. Hope this is just a temporary problem!- - - - From Facebook (WRTH), regarding Radio Vanuatu:
Mauno Ritola: Today {March 8} I heard them on 3945 kHz, but nothing now at
1020 on either 2485 or 3945 kHz.
This via Brisbane Kiwi SDR.
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