1330-1356 on 9610 TIG 300 kW / 067 deg to EaAs Chinese tx#1 is on air
1330-1356 on 11825 TIG 050 kW / 067 deg to EaAs Chinese tx#2 not on air
1400-1456 on 5945 TIG 300 kW / 052 deg to FERu Russian tx#1 is on air
1400-1456 on 7445 TIG 300 kW / 052 deg to FERu Russian tx#2 is on air
1500-1556 on 6040 TIG 300 kW / 307 deg to WeEu German tx#2 not on air
1500-1556 on 7330 TIG 300 kW / 307 deg to WeEu German tx#1 is on air
На чт, 5.03.2020 г. в 11:13 Wolfgang Bueschel <dg1sbn@t-online.de> написа:
> ROMANIA Thursday March 5th
> 0620 UT
> 6040drm mode RRI French Galbeni #1, S=9+5 -70dBm
> 7360am mode RRI French Galbeni #2, S=9+10 -61dBm
> 11790am mode RRI French Tiganesti #1, S=4 -102dBm
> 13730am mode, couldn't be traced. Need more monitoring.
> 0635 - 0645 UT
> 6040drm mode RRI English Galbeni #1, S=9+5 -71dBm
> 7345am Tiganesti #2 not traced this morning.
> 15450am Tiganesti #1 or#3, English in Bangalore India S=8-9 -81dBm
> 17780am Galbeni #2, English in Bangalore India S=9+10dB -67dBm
> 11780 kHz ROU RRI French sce towards WeEUR from Galbeni tx#1 site.
> At 11.15 UT on March 5, S=9+35dB or -39dBm powerful signal.
> 15255 kHz ROU RRI French sce towards WeEUR from Galbeni tx#2 site.
> At 11.17 UT on March 5, S=9+35dB or -41dBm powerful signal.
> At 11.10 UT on March 5, ROU RRI French sce towards NorthAfrica
> from Tiganesti, both txs 15430 and 17640 kHz not on air.
> [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
> (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 5)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <
> Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2020 3:42 PM
> Subject: ROU RRI Tiganesti 3rd refurbished reserve transmitter of 300 kW
> partly in service now.ROMANIA thanks to the tips of tonight, of irregular
> RRIfeeder line use
> 11780 kHz ROU RRI French sce towards WeEUR from Galbeni tx#1 site.
> At 11.15 UT on March 3, S=9+35dB or -39dBm powerful signal.
> 15255 kHz ROU RRI French sce towards WeEUR from Galbeni tx#2 site.
> At 11.17 UT on March 3, S=9+35dB or -41dBm powerful signal.
> 17640 kHz ROU RRI French sce towards WeEUR from Tiganesti tx#2 site.
> At 11.20 UT on March 3, S=7 backlobe signal.
> But 15430 kHz Tiganesti tx#3 as replacement of defunct Tiganesti tx#1
> was OFF AIR at this time.
> 7320 kHz ROU RRI Romanian sce at 13.00-13.56 UT via 3rd bcast center
> at Saftica, 100 kW towards western EUR at 300 degr.
> S=9+15dB signal noted in western Europe at 13.15 UT on March 3.
> 11945 kHz ROU RRI Arabic via Galbeni tx#2 site, S=8-9 backlobe signal
> towards NE/ME noted at 13.22 UT on March 3.
> 13630 kHz ROU RRI Arabic via Tiganesti tx#2 site, S=9+20dB signal
> in WeEUR, even meant to NE/ME. Noted at 13.24 UT on March 3.
> Nice broadband 10.4 kHz audio signal.
> 15460 kHz ROU RRI Arabic via Galbeni tx#1 site, S=7 backlobe signal
> towards North Africa, noted at 13.26 UT on March 3.
> 17810 kHz ROU RRI Arabic via Tiganesti tx#3 reserve unit site,
> (instead of defunct tx#1 unit). S=9+20dB signal
> in WeEUR, even meant to NE/ME. Noted on March 3.
> Nice RRI interval signal til 13.26-13.27 UT final end txmisson.
> At 13.27 UT the next RRI channel of 11825 kHz Chinese sce, was still
> occupied by FEBC Manila in Tibetan language til 13.28:30 UT off air.
> From 13.29:05 UT RRI interval signal of Tiganesti tx#2 appeared,
> 11825 kHz ROU RRI Chinese S=7-8 backlobe signal into western Europe.
> 9610 kHz ROU RRI Chinese sce of Tiganesti tx#3 reserve unit, stronger
> in 31 mb as S=9+15dB in western Europe. 13.35 UT.
> 5945 kHz ROU RRI Russian sce of Tiganesti tx#3 reserve unit,
> as S=9+20dB sidelobe in central Europe. 10 kHz wideband audio.
> 7445 kHz ROU RRI Russian sce of Tiganesti tx#2 unit,
> as S=9+25dB sidelobe in central Europe. 10 kHz wideband audio.
> Excellent audio quality to state. 14.15-14.20 UT checked today.
> 9810 kHz ROU RRI Romanian sce of Galbeni tx#2 unit, 14.00-15.56 UT
> as S=9+60dB powerhouse in central Europe. 10 kHz wideband audio.
> Excellent audio quality to state. at 14.29 UT
> 11975 kHz ROU RRI Romanian sce of Galbeni tx#1 unit, 14.00-15.56 UT
> as S=9+50dB powerhouse in central Europe. 10 kHz wideband audio,
> in peaks up to 18 kHz wideband signal visible on Perseus SDR rx.
> Excellent audio quality to state
> [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
> (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 3)
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
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