Hi Glenn, My latest Hitlist update.
1) India - All India R: Updated link to daily "cuesheet" pdf
2) Taiwan - R Taiwan Int: Updated links to frequency and programme
3) USA - WBCQ/WRMI: moved Encore Classical Music programme link from
Unless there's a major change anywhere, the next update will be mid
March (DST changes). Best wishes and 73 (Alan Roe, Feb 28)
** CANADA. 6754-USB, Feb 28 at 0645 check, CHR is off again - maybe
just a break, not continuous; propagation OK as CHU 7850-CUSB is VG.
15034-USB, Feb 28 at 1447, Trenton Military is still on here, VG.
6754-USB, Feb 29 at 0001, ``Comox, Comox, no report received. Trenton
Military, Out`` -- so on but breaking again (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 15369.23, Feb 28 at 2327, RHC S9+20, overmodulated/distorted
and still way off-frequency, day 17. Something`s always wrong at RHC
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA. Weather warm-up leads to some minor tropo; Hepburn map
shows level 1 enhancement roughly over southern half of OK, not
including Enid, as of 1500 UT Feb 28.
Channel 51 to 7 bandscan circa 1530 UT finds two, but only two, BAD DX
signals where none appear normally, RF 36 and RF 35. 35 is slightly
stronger so I stay on it and it starts to partially decode; animated
kidvid in English, Indian theme. E/I bug in the upper right; tiny bug
in LR looks like FNN?
Certainly not KUOK Woodward with Univision. Of the six LP or
translators in OK on RF 35, the obvious fit in is 15 kW,
K47MU-D in Concho, still showing its former call when on RF 47,
programming being FNX. What`s that? includes it in the OKC market with new call K35MV-D,
licensed to the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes, tower 2 miles west of US 81,
about halfway between St Hwy 3 and El Reno, NW of OKC. And the net:
Originates at San Bernardino Community College, shows 28 scattered
affiliates around the country, and leads to own:
which explains, ``First Nations Experience --- FNX is The first and
only nationally broadcast television network in the U.S. exclusively
devoted to Native American and World Indigenous content.`` I wonder if
it Must be carried on Cox Cable OKC? Is it easily visible elsewise?
Its current program sked shows what I am seeing:
``Bizou and the Groundhog #127
Friday, February 28, 09:30 am on FNX NAT - Duration: 0:22:01
Description: Come sing and dance with Bizou as she takes you on a
picturesque journey into the wonderful world of groundhogs, nature's
cutest little digger. [CC] Broadcast In: English``
Most likely RF 36 is in OKC proper, KUOK-CD, sibling or tail wagging
dog of KUOK RF 35 in Woodward, defacto Univision affiliate for OKC.
That`s why the full power UNI signal from RF 29 KTUZ Shawnee, shared
with Telemundo and Estrella, remaps to ``36``, so locals might get
either, or both and not tell them apart. But there are a bunch of
other LP 36s around the state (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)
** TURKEY. 5960, Feb 28 at 2327, VOT English is AWOL again (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 11720, Fri Feb 28 around 2140 UT, caradio turned on to loud
exotic ME/African music, soon proven to be `Music Time in Africa`, as
Hyper Heather names herself at next and every break: what an ego trip!
Despite this I listen for the music on this bigsig which will probably
be deleted a month from now in the A-season, with this hour back to
15580 and back to Botswana.
Toward hourend she plays only snippets and talx over them. I know I am
not going to change the world about this, but as a classical music
announcer I would *never* talk over the music (except during a
well-established and repeated program theme), as that would be
disrespectful to the music, composers and performers, and annoying to
I would also apply this ethic to any genre an announcer is hosting.
(Yet a lot of rock songs deliberately provide instrumental lead-ups
for DJs to yammer. Great continuity?)
As always, closing summary of several weekend MTIA times misses this
very one; she has been adding ``hundred`` to times not ending in 00,
but that happens only once this week, ``2205-hundred``. A cleaner
transition than usual to Yankee-Doodle-Dandy VOA sign-off, but that is
still being chopped off at 2200:39*, a few notes before it concludes:
more disrespect or sloppyration (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2023 monitoring: missed checking
Fri Feb 28 at 2300 on WRMI 9955; did anyone hear it; jamming?
Confirmed UT Sat Feb 29 at 0145 the 0130s on WRMIs: 5010 F-G S9/+10;
5850 VG S9+30/40; 7780, VP S7-S9. Next:
1300 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415]
2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 9395 to NNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0900 UT Monday Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB
0930 UT Monday Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB [another episode]
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania? to WNW
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0900 UT Wednesday Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. (7490.2v), UT Sat Feb 29 at 0100, WBCQ webcast filling with
Loutuma Girl, so we know who`s next, despite William Tell Overture to
follow. TimTron blubbers and belches before it`s over. Opening says he
was not feeling well last two weeks when asked to do it, wants to do a
show of significance instead of pulling one out of his ass. Thinx Lyme
disease is resurging in him. Soon announces current date correctly of
Feb 28, YOOL 2020. Acknowledges SWL Winterfest now underway not in
Kulpsville PA any more. Into discussion of Drumpf`s PIRATE Act, or
rather reading an article about it. Soon into hard rock, which AW
never plays when on his show himself, except maybe in an emergency.
At 0119 I switch to SW 7490.17 direct where it`s S9+10, as TTT said,
``simulcasting on 5130, I believe``. Yes, and that sounds stronger here
but also reads S9/+10. Back to discussing PIRATE act, advises not to
broadcast ads or QRM aeronautical, which is main objexion leading to
pirate act. Mentions ham traffic nets which are no longer needed, but
just social nets like ``Lonely Guys`` tomorrow. Reads part of WAPO
article about someone wanting permission from UK and USA to retrieve
Marconi radio equipment from the RMS Titanic wreck --- and restore it?
Probably nothing any good left of it. Going inside the wreck, grave of
1500 souls, has been disallowed so far. 0132 song. 0137 suddenly
conversation with a caller about PIRATE act, not worth risking $ 100K
fines; until 0152 more rock; never heard him identified. 0143 both
fading down, and 0147 I go back to webcast. Belch at 0158:35 as TT is
upwrapping, 0159 `Happy Trails to You` not by Roy Rogers, somewhat
off-key; canned singing ID with the Q of WBCQ cut short before it
resolve, into Hal Turner theme, tune-out!
BTW, two or three times during the hour I quickly scanned the 4+ and
7- MHz pirate radio bands and heard not a one, despite SWL Fest
underway. Have they really been scared off SW by the PIRATE act? But
then I seldom hear any, while others further east do. Fest`ers might
be later at night than usual.
Does anyone know of any live non-pirate SWBCs planned from the Fest?
Not I; most likely would appear on some WRMI or WBCQ/Area 51 shows.
Here`s John Carver`s summary of AAAWWW:
``Tonight's show started a bit late this evening with TimTron as host.
Decent signal on 7490 this evening. 5130 had the transmitter on but no
program till about three minutes after TOH. Mentions of the SWL Fest
in PA going on this weekend. Tim says his Lyme disease has flared up
again and he is back on heavy antibiotics again. Jumps into reading an
article on the new Pirate Radio law signed last month. Then into some
music. Back into pirate radio after the music and then read an article
about an effort to remove the radio equipment from the wreckage of the
Back to pirate radio and makes an effort to point out the difference
between a low power SW pirate and pirates that operate in the AM and
FM bands and at the top of the FM band then into some more music.
After the music ended Mr. Mike popped up on the air and the discussion
of pirate radio continued for awhile and then into some more music.
Program was over at 0200. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK,
This report dispatched at 0253 UT February 29
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