Hi Ron, please help,re 3325 kHz today Febr 15,
I've my doubts,
what I heard at 10.43 UT, and later stronger signal different at 11.22 UT.Help, listen to the recording taken in remote Brisbane Australia SDR rx.
At 10.50 UT
light pop mx played / heard,but on 3325 even kHz
heard a like phone-in live coverage of Sports even game ?
in domestic vernacular, which one ?
rather PNG Bougainville program ?
much scratchy noise level broadcast then.
At 11.15-11.22 UT VoINS livestream had lady reader
in Mandarin Chinese program,but 3325 kHz instead - light music up to S=9+10dB now increased signal
in remote Brisbane SDR rx.
And signal on 3325 kHz was increased now at S=9+10dB level.
Seemingly different INS domestic program with sport live coverage ?- - -
remote Perseus SDR rx
Brisbane, Queensland report of 10.15 to 10.45 UT:
5019.999 SLM SLBC Honiara tentat.
weak and tiny S=5 -87dBm JBA at 10.15 UT.5040even UNID stn. VUT ?
S=5 or -86dBm JBA weak at 10.20 UT, likely exciter only ?But at 11.30 UT on Uwe's remote Perseus SDR in eastern Thailand
5040even AIR Jeypore India program heard.5055.002 kHz much weak carrier noted in Brisbane,
likely R 4KZ AUS program - or exciter only ? ,
at 10.25 UT only threshold signal S=4 or -99dBm.In Brisbane propagate in 60mb 10.40 UT
4900 and 4940 CHN,
5000 WWVH,
5020v SLM tent.,
5025 Rebelde CUB,
5040 ???,
5055 AUS - no more propagate here.90mb
2850 KRE S=9 at 10.35 UT,
3215 WWCR TOM BS roarer, perfect power to Pacific audience, hi
3260 PNG - nothing on air, empty,
3325 10.40 UT live coverage sport, scratchy signal S=5 or -90dBm strength.3325 kHz at 11.22 UT much, much stronger from likely Palangka Raya INS,
but not VoINS livestream on web.73 wolfie df5sx
wwdxc germany
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Howard" <ron888howard@gmail.com>Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] Radio Vanuatu off the air
Hi Glenn,
Radio Vanuatu (5040) was off the air Feb 10-11-12, which was unusual for
them. A possible explanation might be
that tropical cyclone Uesi was nearby - http://bit.ly/31VP2kT (
http://bit.ly/31VP2kT ).Feb 14 - Heard RV on 5040 with decent reception (1002-1059:49*); news in
vernacular (items about "candidates"
[Vanuatu general elections to be held March 19], "cyclone Uesi . . . weather
forecast", etc.); 1028-1044, preaching
in vernacular; 1044+, religious songs till ID and NA.
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