(992 m above sea level)
February 03, 2020 (Time in UTC)
Receiver: Sony ICF2001D
Antenna: RGP3 Ferrite Loop Antenna
ARGENTINA: 1190 kHz Radio Perfil (tent.), Buenos Aires, Spanish, 01/02 0404..
‘Porteño’ style songs, instrumental music by flute, male voice:
‘...Argentina...’. 24432 (RG).
ARGENTINA: 1620 kHz Radio AM 16-20, Mar del Plata, Spanish, 01/02 0302.
International romantic songs. Id: ‘... AM 16-20...’ by female voice. 35543
ARGENTINA: 1620 kHz Radio Mitre (tent.), Cañana de Gomez (?), Spanish, 01/02
0322. Male communication, news from Buenos Aires, an Argentinian style song..
13531 (RG). Tks Marcio Molossi, for your identification support.
BRAZIL: 670 kHz Radio Cidade, Curitiba PR, 31/01 2352. Advs, ‘... você está
na Cidade...’. 34543 (RG).
BRAZIL: 1240 kHz Radio Municipalista, Botucatu SP, 01/02 2112. Advs male
voice, id ‘Radio Municipalista...’. 25552 (RG).
CHILE: 1000 kHz Radio BBN, Santiago, Spanish, 01/02 0512. Male
communication, Bible reading, id ‘BBN Radiodifusión Biblica’. Christian
message, song ‘To God be the Glory’ (I use to play this song on the piano in
Church services!!). 25332 (RG). Fantastic propagation, Radio Record 1000 São
Paulo and Radio Mil (Paraguay) with no signals at this time. Michel Viani
(in Osasco SP) and me (in Piedade SP) in contact via WhatsApp checking the
BBN CHL signal on the same time, verifying same results. It is very hard to
listen Chilean stations in Southeastern and South Brazil, considering Andes
mountains range (over 5.000 m) between Santiago region and other South
American countries.
PARAGUAY: 860 kHz Radio La Voz de la Cordillera, Caaguazu, Spanish, 31/01
2340. Brazilian song(?), male communication, id ‘usted escucha Radio
Cordillera,...., . 35553 (RG). A good signal on 2040 local time using my car
(RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL
São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL
http: //dxways-br.blogspot.com
YouTube: GrimmSBC
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