Hard-Core-DX.com: Long wave 171 KHz

Long wave 171 KHz

Saturday, January 04 2020

LW & MW Signals not so strong from RTA on the Christmas and Year End days -
as observed on remote stations around the Mediterranean, Sicily, Riviera,
Rome, Milan and Greece.

Compared to refurbishing work era some months ago
of the technicians of former TransRadio Berlin,
now Thomcast, Thurgi Switzerland / exAmpegon
Ludwigshafen-Schifferstadt Germany.

- RTA Signals of LW 252 and Algiers 891 kHz are now on decreased power of
h a l f the nominal power figurs.
also MW 531 kHz signal from Algeria
isn't so strong compared to previous years.
They keep to save electricity in 2019. 73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message -----
From: "hungaroboy" Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2020 6:26 PM

Subject: Re: [WOR] Long wave 171 KHz
Congratulations for this big DX catch!!!
Yes, I also think that 252 is Algeria and on 171 kHz the Medi 1 station.
Medi 1 (it also uses the longer form of its name: Radio mediterranee
Internationale) can be either in French or in Arabic, it uses both language
in different time segments of the broadcast. Unfortunatelly it is not on
shortwave anymore - I have no idea why and what happened with the Nador
shortwave transmitter on 9575 kHz.
Tibor Gaal
Budapest, Hungary

<WOR@groups.io>, ezt írta:
Wow I can hear a weak signal on 198 KHz but can’t make out anything
intelligible. Much louder beacon DIW is dominating on this frequency. The
signal on 252 KHz is much stronger, though not as strong as 171 kHz. I
assume what I am hearing on 252 kHz is Radio Algeria instead of RTE-1.
Algeria power is shown to be 750 kilowatts while RTE-1 is only 100
kilowatts. Hearing what sounds to be some kind of middle eastern music on
252 kHz. Really unbelievable I am receiving these from my location in south
central Kentucky.


On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 8:44 PM Jay Novello <jnovello@cotse.net> wrote:

Also check 198 (good here under semi-local NDB) and 252 (absolutely huge).
On Jan 3, 2020, at 9:40 PM, Jay Novello <jnovello@cotse.net> wrote:
Sure, Mike! Big signal here. Two guys talking now.
Jay Novello
Wake Forest NC

On Jan 3, 2020, at 9:21 PM, Mike Newland <mikenewland16@gmail.com> wrote:
Currently I am listening to a nice signal on 171 kHz long wave. Is it
possible this is Medi Radio in Morocco? Very hard for me to believe but
listening to two females in French with what sounds like Mediterranean or
North African music. Steady signal SIO is 443. Using a Realistic DX-400
750 foot long wire unterminated to the northwest.
Mike Newland
Morgantown KY

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