** CUBA. 6145, Dec 24 at 0720, RHC English is S9-S7 and
undermodulated, while 6060 and all others are off this night.
Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** CUBA. 6000, Dec 25 at 0244, RHC English is S9+25 of dead air while
the only //, 6145 is just barely modulated S9+10.
6000, by 0518 Dec 25, has achieved suptorted modulation; while 6100 is
now on VG as is 6145 with some musical CCI, i.e. this hour from
ROMANIA. And now 6060 & 5040 are still in Spanish. Something`s always
wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY [and non]. `Gruss an Bord`, the annual NDR special for
German mariners asea on Xmas eve: Quick chex just after 1900 and 2100
Dec 24 find all frequencies JBA carriers at best into OK. O well, we
are hardly aboard. Others further east or using SDRs had better luck.
One more check at 2238: 6145 Nauen & 6155 Armenia both VP S7-S9 but
less flutter on the latter. Perhaps someone will have recorded for
those wanting to hear it (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN [non]. 7410, Dec 25 at 0507, NHK Warudo Radio Japan news in
English, S9+5, but Qur`an audible under. Since NHK is via FRANCE,
could it be a local mixture with Algerian relay? NO, also sked on 7410
before and after 0500 is SAUDI ARABIA`s Qur`aning. I wonder how that
worx in NHK`s South African target (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** KIRITIMATI. 846, Dec 25 at 0450, carrier here stronger than several
of the regular TA ones from Algeria, Spain, UK, and since there are
only low-powers in Europe on 846, as usual I assume this one really be
TP from London where the sun is already setting on one of the Xmas
islands, on Xmas day! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MADAGASCAR. 5009.92 approx., Dec 25 at 0236, weak S7 off-frequency
on the NRD545, no doubt RNM. 5010 WRMI is now off, but earlier at 0102
there was a het upon it measured on the R75 at 5009.961, so I am
wondering if it`s also the RNM carrier overnight in margin of error,
or something else, such as INDIA, or what? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** MADAGASCAR. 15155, Tue Dec 24 at 1840, Xmasmx is S9-S7 but JBM,
among few signals on band: it`s AWR English at 1830-1900. Logged this
before noting that two sites are listed: Sri Lanka only on Saturdays
where I guess the SDAs don`t mind working; axually barely in to local
Sunday. The Talatans need to pay more attention to Madulation (Glenn
** NEWFOUNDLAND. 2899-USB, Dec 25 at 0523, ATC asks for stations
standing by for Gander, then YL contacts, mentions 8901 secondary. Per
EiBi this frequency shared with Keflavik and Shannon. See also unID
5598 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 4015-USB, Dec 25 at 0230, nondescript pirate music
at S9+10, 0235 ID over music I think as Radio Free Whatever; 0252
another longer announcement but fading down; next song to be ``Get to
the Point``. Yes, it`s R.F.W. per these many logs:
Maybe not tonight, but this area is inhabited by MARS nets, best
avoided by pirates. Many of them are higher up in the 4`s (Glenn
** NORTH AMERICA. 6938-USB, Dec 24 at 2325, old news report about a
presidential Xmas party, outro as Columbia Broadcasting System; 2328
ID as ``You are listening to WFDR, New York; merry Christmas`` and
off. Many more reports here:
** NORTH AMERICA. 7469.99, Dec 25 at 0250, Station YHWH about as
strong as I`ve heard him, S9+10 peaking to 25, with anti-Christmas
sermon, concluding with request that listeners record and distribute
worldwide his two one-hour lexures. 0254 ``one last thought`` about
Yahweh`s plans, 0255 into themesong ``Days of Hard Life``, briefly cut
off and resuming; but I have to rush off to catch WUOT`s repeat of
FONLAC the opening of which I had missed, pro-arte of course.
Greg Hardison replied earlier, ``Here goes a link to the
sometimes-discussed "opening theme" used by YHWH:
As Glenn notes, some call it creepy. I would just say it's...well,
IMHO, *bad*. Some alternatives could be suggested here, including
"Guantanamera", Talking Heads' "Life During Wartime" or "Crosseyed and
Painless" (great group! I've seen them live four times); or anything
from Wall Of Voodoo's first album, or from the "Commercial Album" by
The Residents`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 5980, Dec 24 at 1909, music at S4-S5 already as VOT Turkish
to WEu barrels what`s left of 500 kW USward, a sesquihour earlier than
I first noted it yesterday. Now it`s almost as strong as 5950 WRMI
** TURKEY. 7265 // 7280, Dec 25 at 0248 VOT Spanish in music, poor
S6-S7 but slightly weaker on the latter; as to be expected from
azimuths of 290 and 252 degrees, 7280 for further south in Latin
America. Certainly a lack of frequency diversity; they should at least
be on adjacent bands (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5890, Dec 25 at 0519, WWCR with S9+50 of dead air as seems
to happen at least once a week when this transmitter is supposed to be
off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1680, Dec 24 at 1837 UT, 5 minutes after local mean noon,
weak music must be KRJO Monroe LA, which of course dominates at night,
but now via daytime skywave. Translator tail ``My 99.7 FM`` wags this
dog (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 5598-USB, Dec 25 at 0500, ATCs wishing Merry Xmas,
mentions Santa Maria, backup 3491. North Atlantic route frequency
shared by NY, Gander, Shannon, and Azores. No mention of S. Claus
UNIDENTIFIED. 6024.95, Dec 25 at 0245, intriguing JBA carrier, and
still there at 0516 but remeasured to 6024.96. Brings to mind the
inactive? seldom reported Red Patria Nueva, Bolivia, since Bryan
Clark, NZ had it on ``6025`` in August 2018. But in May 2015 both
Thomas Nilsson and Christoph Ratzer agreed upon 6024.97. Nothing on
current listings would likely be so off-frequency --- Tibet or Russia,
which is in DRM anyway as I have previously heard. Could it be back on
the air for Xmas eve, at least? In fact, it`s in WRTH 2020 at
0930-0300 as if not inactive. But at 0110 Nov 10 this year, Claudio
Galaz, Chile remarked with a log of Tibet that there was no
interference from RPN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6230-AM, Dec 25 at 0510, JBA talk on what could be a
leapfrog mixer from Cuba of RHC 6060 Spanish over 6145 English another
85 kHz beyond --- but I cannot make a match with either on second
receiver. Possibly Iran radio war sometimes here but supposedly not
after 0400, and now rather late to be propagating from Iran or
Uzbekistan; not in USB so not NZ marine weather either (Glenn Hauser,
This report dispatched at 0702 UT December 25
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