December 18, 2019 (Time in UTC)
Rx: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL - São Bernardo SP BRAZIL)
Antenna: PA0RDT Mini Whip
ASCENSION ISL.: 17640 kHz BBC, via Georgetown, French, 18/12 1158. The
traditional interval signal 'BBC' (With only the three repetitive musical
notes). 1200 time pips, time checking. Id 'BBC'. Instrumental music, news.
35543 (RG). Tx via Georgetown w/27° Az to Northern Africa.
CHINA: 17670 kHz China Radio International, via Kunming, 18/12 1045. Female
announcer, Chinese song, sign-off on 1057. 25542 (RG). Tx via Kunming w/135°
Az to Oceania region.
IRAN: 17595 kHz VOIRI, via Sirjan, Hausa, 18/12 1231. Male communication,
'Iran... Afrika'. 35543 (RG). Tx via Sirjan w/248° Az to Africa.
KUWAIT: 17760 kHz Radio Kuwait, Sulaibiyah, Filipino, 18/12 1118. Male
communication, id 'Radio Kuwait', instrumental music, several mentions to
Kuwait. 35543 (RG). Tx from Sulaibiyah w/84° Az to Southeastern Asia.
ROMANIA: 17640 kHz Radio Romania International, Tiganesti, French, 18/12
1132. Male communication about North-American compositions, a song by female
voice YL: 'Radio Romania International'. 45554 (RG). Tx from Tiganesti
w/247° (300 kW) to Northern Africa. The prolonged emission of signals
pointing directly to Northern Africa affects South America, which is why
they are well received in Brazil.
USA: 6195 kHz NHK World Radio Japan, via Cypress Creek, Portuguese, 18/12
0858. Instrumental music, time pips, begin of transmission in Portuguese
language. Male voice: 'Em ondas medias, ondas curtas e Internet, você está
em sintonia com a programação da NHK... ligue-se no Japão'. 45554 (RG). Tx
via Cypress Creek w/167° Az to Brazil.
(RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL
São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL
http: //dxways-br.blogspot.com
YouTube: GrimmSBC
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