``Ethnic``, i.e. Christian. Per their website, also responsible for Radio Logos, 4810, Peru
Very short on basic info such as frequencies. 73, Glenn Hauser
[do not confuse me with the other Glenn he`s quoting]
On Sunday, December 8, 2019, 10:26:21 PM GMT, Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT Brazil <danielnx18@gmail.com> wrote:
Join the club Daniel.
The WBT – SIL Team started working on the Pucallpa, SW station in 1972.
Ray rising via Ethnic Radio hired an expert to make it happen.
They did it in a year.
Same thing happened in Colombia.
Please pray for safety for the team there.
*From:* Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT Brazil [mailto:
*Sent:* Sunday, December 08, 2019 2:18 PM
*To:* Glenn Smith
*Subject:* Re: New Short Wave Ethnic Radio station in Colombia, SA.
I have no frequency information seems to be emerging a new shortwave
station.?? Congrats for yours Brothers Daniel Wyllyans Brazil
Em sáb, 7 de dez de 2019 14:12, Glenn Smith <glenn_smith@sil.org> escreveu:
*! Jesus** has answered your prayers once again!*
*Stand by. *
*Ray will be sharing with us a more complete report from the *
*Colombian Ethnic Radio Team next week.*
*From:* Ray Rising [mailto:sylvester_stallings@sil.org
*Sent:* Friday, December 6, 2019
*To:* 'Glenn Smith.
*Hi Glenn,*
*I came back from Colombia 23 Nov. *
*The new station should be on the air within 10 days.*
*They were going to purchase a generator. *
*The antennas are in place and the building is wired .*
*I lack to cover my air travel , Charlotte-Bogota-Charlotte . Cost $
846.25. *
*Yes the signal will cover all of Venezuela and Eastern Colombia.*
*I carried down several CD’s with the scriptures en 6 Venezuelan languages
to include in the broadcast schedule. *
*The next station will be in Pulcallpa Peru.*
*Send donations to Ethno Media Associates , P O Box 2130, Orange, CA
92859. ATTN : Ethnic Radio.*
*Donate on line : Ethnoma.org *
*God Bless, Ray *
*( When are you coming ?) *
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