Hard-Core-DX.com: non webed : Logs for 6-12

non webed : Logs for 6-12

Sunday, December 08 2019



1278 Greekpirate 2019 with oldies non folkies  (pops)around 60s -65dbm

1341  OLdenia Rom 2016 Romania pop song mixed with Actualitata-77dbm bad signal today..

4090 crazyma with nadas and allos only -90 dbm 1853 and HFDL signa;s !!!

4100discussions in Arabic? 1852 then SKJ -95

4168.2 Cis 12  sognals 1859

4447-4497first time to see codar in my area , keeping a 20 kHz bandwidth  Picture :

4651 OM in Englishwith meteo info 1902 off?

4625 MrBuzzer  1835+ 1930 nice soigal at -91dbmbut angry with double – ie buzz before the main buzz  

4651 OMwith thalk in Eng , starting HFDL burst  1905

5135 Charlestonwith typical songs of 40-s etc for short time suddenly on 1915 QY back to 5140

5200 arabictalks in USB 1918

5505 ShannoVolmet 1922 with meteo program -95dbm

5156.8 STANAGonw f the very few that are decodable 1937 600L

5940  ‘qui readio Algeria ‘ 2000 in Arabiic realtivelyovermodulated max -52dbm maxcny times mentioning Palestin




Zacharias LiangasRSP1a  with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena
Icom  R75-PL380 rigs  https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages)
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