Hard-Core-DX.com: 6210 kHz, Iran vs ???

6210 kHz, Iran vs ???

Wednesday, November 20 2019

IRAN But also at 20.05 UT 6210 // 6060 kHz
and underneath another ?AR? program on 6210 kHz,

maybe from Saudi Arabia / UAE
or US/ISR AGM United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) origin ?

Before at 19.45 UT the IRIB signal on 6210 kHz
had short TX breaks for 1-2 seconds,
I guess to allow Iranian security forces a monitoring check
the presence of the clandestine program underneath.

TV news of today heard in German tv
that US foreign policy allow and justify the
land grab of Palestine territory from the 1967 war.

73 wb

