Hard-Core-DX.com: Wolfgang Bueschel log

Wolfgang Bueschel log

Wednesday, November 20 2019

CANADA At 08.10 UT on Nov 19
nothing visible on CHU 7850 kHz channel today.
Is one of my favorite channels to align rx fq for 41 mb fqs exact !

NIGERIA Note at 08.12 UT some
7254.940 kHz from Voice of Nigeria Abuja instead

(though English on Aoki Nagoya list mentioned)
rather weak S=5-6 or -90dBm in Florida remote SDR, Nov 19.

CUBA Yesterday quick check of RHC at 14.00 UT Nov 18,
6000, 7340, 11760, 13740
(and surprisingly early 13700 too, at this hour ! ),

15140, 15230 kHz.

RHC poor here on NF/RF like last winter - gh

7340 kHz from Bejucal site well heard remotedly in FL, NJ
and Alberta Canada on Nov 18 !

TAJIKISTAN Subject: Voice of Tibet, DB Yangi Yul-TJK relay Nov 17

23.00 - 23.35.00 on 7476even S=9+20dB
heard here in Europe, GRC, HNG, AUT etc.

23.35:04 - 24.00 on 7496even S=9+20dB
heard here in Europe, GRC, HNG, AUT etc.

No CHN mainland jamming on xxx0, nor xxx5. kHz noted so far tonight.

Nearby services at this hour:
7470 kHz RFA Tibetan from Orzu-TJK,
7480 kHz RFA Tibetan from Kuwait al-Dschahra,
AGM United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM).

73 wb df5sx

