----- Original Message -----
From: "Takahito Akabayashi" <yahoo.co.jp>
To: "Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX" <gmx.de>; "Wolfgang Bueschel" <yahoo.de>
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019
Subject: Fwd: 7525 kHz Special Broadcast of Asian Broadcasting Institute
JAPAN 7525 kHz Special Broadcast of Asian Broadcasting Institute.Asian Broadcasting Institute, Japanese DX'ers institute specialized for
broadcasting in East Asia, will broadcast special shortwave transmission
for celebrating their 40th anniversary as below:DATE: December 6, 7, and 8, 2019
(rebroadcast of December 6, on December 7 and 8)
TIME: 1330-1400 UTC
LANGUAGE: Japanese and Chinese (opening/closing announcements are in
Japanese, Korean, Chinese, English).Comments and reception report are welcome.
Special QSL card will be issued for correct reception report,
the method for reporting will be announced in the broadcast.Their address: P.O.Box 2334, Ginza Branch, 100-8698 Japan
Their URL: http://www.abiweb.jp/Transmitter site is not announced, but presumed Tashkent * .
Takahito Akabayashi
Tokyo, Japan (Nov 17)- - - -
Japan Post, Yubinbango 100-8698,
Ginza post office JP tower the compartment postal P.O.Box 2334 No.
according their websitehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/634673633243446/
https://www.facebook.com/groups/634673633243446/photos/interesting URL's, text in English
* probably via
RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center.Tashkent Shortwave Transmitting Station,
c/o RRTM,
Amir Timur str. 109 "A"
Tashkent, 100202
Uzbekistan, Central AsiaE-mail: <qabulhona -at- crrt.uz>
URL: <http://www.crrt.uz>
Telephone: +998 71 234 67 91
Fax: +998 71 234 45 17vy73 wolfie df5sx
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